168 6 0

May 2020


After school, we went back to our dorms.
"So... How was the first day?" Our leader asked us.
"Really great! But now I'll go to the library to meet Miri"
"Ok, just be careful"
"Yes oppa" I changed clothes and put my things in another bag, then I saw the gift from Dongpyo and I remembered the letter.
"Nah, I'll just read it there"
"Read what?"
"Ah Huijun oppa! No, it's nothing. Just a fan letter"

WTH- why did I lie?
Did I act on instinct?

"Ah ok"
"Bye oppa"
"See you later"

At the library, Miri was already there.
"Oh finally!"
"So... How was your day at S.O.P.A.?"
"Look at this pic and look who's my classmate!"
"Jeongwoo! Oh, right you're majoring in music too... But wow!"
"Everyone made a fuss just because he's Bang Yedam's bandmate, not caring about him, just about Yedam"
"Poor Jeongwoo"
"That's why I approached him saying that you know him, that you're my bestie and that you told me that he is funny"

"True though, he is funny"
"What about your day at Hanlim?"
"Well, 3 of my classmates are my fangirls, but not crazy ones; then at lunch Dongpyo oppa gave Dohyun and I a gift"
"Ooh What was inside?"
"Here. There's also a letter in it"
"Oh A letter! Can I read it?"
"Nope. I haven't read it yet"
"What are you waiting for? Cmon! Read it!"
"Ok ok"

Hi Taeyang-ie!
First of all, fighting! For the new school year.
Secondly, I want to tell you that you're a really talented, cute and amazing person. Even if we're not that close, I really like you.
And lastly, I wanted to ask you out on a date with me...
So... Tell me your answer whenever you want, I'll wait.
From Dongpyo :)

"Earth to Taeyang? Yah! Are you blushing? Yah Taeyang!"
"OMG. No, it's not true... It can't be..."
"Yah Taeyangie! Ugh lemme read" She then took the piece of paper from my hands.
"No, it's not true. It is not. It's impossible"
"Woah! He asked you out! Yah! Are you ok?"
"Yeah yeah... omg! What do I do now?!"

"You should definitely say yes! After all, you've been crushing on him since Produce X 101!"
"Then, how do I tell him?"
"Text him something like 'Sure! Are you free now?' or 'Can we talk in person'. Something like that"
"Ok I'll ask him if he's free"
"That's the spirit!"

Son Dongpyo

Sure! I'd like to
Are you free now?

Thank you!
Where do you wanna meet?

Rn I'm at the library near the school
We can meet here
I'll wait

See you

"He's coming here"
"Then I'll go so I won't be third-wheeling"
"Ok. Thank you, Miri-ya"
"No problem, bestie"
While waiting for him, I got up and started looking around the shelves.

I've been here in Korea for like 2 years now and I've never read Harry Potter in Korean?!

So I took the first book and started reading it. After reading for about 20 minutes someone tapped my back.
"Oh Dongpyo oppa, it's you"
"What are you reading?"
"My favourite book, Harry Potter"
"Oh Which house are you?"
"I'm a Ravenclaw! What about you?"
"I don't know... Shall we go?"
"Sure! I'll text my bandmates... Ok done!"

"Where do you wanna go?"
"Uhm... Don't know... You decide"
"Ok... What about... Pizza?"
"Oh! Yes! I know a great place! You'll try the true taste of Italian pizza"
"Let's go then"

While walking to the restaurant the atmosphere became quiet and awkward.
"Uhm... By the way... T-thanks for the stickers and all. They're really cute"
"Like you... Oh- I- Uhm..."
"Thanks for the... Compliment?"
"So... Why did you accept going on a date with me?"
"Ok... Lemme be honest. I always thought that you're cute and funny since I started watching Produce X 101 and... Uhm... I like you..."

"Then the feelings are mutual..."
"I guess so..."
"So... Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"
"I-I... Yes, I'd l-love to be your girlfriend"
"Ugh you're so cute!" He said cupping my cheeks.
"But we are idols... What do we do?"
"Let's just tell it to our closest friends?"

After dinner, Dongpyo walked me back to my dorm.
"Why don't you come in? You haven't met them yet"
"Uhm... ok"
"But be careful, Junhyuk-ie is overprotective"
"I think I can handle him

Then we went inside still holding hands.
"I'm back guys!"
"Hey Shining! Wait a minute..." Bic greeted me first.
"Hi, I'm Son Dongpyo"
"My boyfriend" I said smiling.
"Your what?! GUYS!"
"Don't worry, he's just a bit... Extra..." I said whispering to Dongpyo.
"Now I'm a bit scared"

"Yah! Seungmin hyung! Why are you shou-" Win came in the living room running.
"Tyang-ie! Has! A! Boyfriend!" Bic stated.
"Who has a what?!" Minjae said in shock.
"Ignore them, they'll chill eventually"

"What's with all these shoutings?"
CJ asked.
"Yah! Noh Huijun! Come here too!" Bic shouted.
"What do you want hyung?" He said arriving in the room as well.
"So Pyo, This is Seongjun oppa, he's Seungmin oppa, then Minjae oppa, Huijun oppa and this toddler here is Junhyuk-ie"

"Hi... I'm Taeyang-ie's boyfriend, Son Dongpyo. Nice to meet you all!" Dongpyo said.
"So..." win said making eye contact with Dongpyo.
"Win, stop it already" Seongjun stopped him.

"Guys, we decided to not make it public yet"
"Ok, but since when... You two?" Minjae asked.
"Only today"
"Cutiepie, mind going to your room? We'll talk with him. Don't worry we won't kill him" CJ said.
"O-ok Seongjun oppa. Bye Pyo, see you tomorrow"
"Good night" my boyfriend said.


"So, Dongpyo-ssi, I'm not against anything but just be careful. You're probably gonna debut again and we just debuted and haters are searching for scandals of any kind. And this is also Taeyang's first relationship"
"So don't you dare hurt her!" Their leader and maknae said.

"I'll make sure to protect her Seongjun-ssi"
"If you ever need help, just ask us"
"Oh and she's having panic attacks more frequently" Bic and Minjae said.
"Don't let her read comments about her, of any kind. This is very important" CastleJ said.

"Also hyung, when she's having one, she starts breathing heavily and massaging her wrists. All you have to do is freshen up her wrists and forehead and make sure she knows someone's with her, so hug her" Huijun said followed by Bic.
"Yeah... He's been dealing with her-"
"Since childhood... she told me..." I said.
"You're so lucky..." Huijun said then went away.
"Uhm... I think you should go now, it's late" Seongjun said.
"Oh yes... Uhm... Thanks for all the advice. Nice meeting you all"

A/n: ok but like Haikyuu-kpop fan, why hurt me like that?!??? Like ughhh imagine them doing something like pdx101

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