55 - ITALY PT2

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For the second day, I organized a visit a popular place for teens with a little surprise in the evening.
"Good morning, princess. You seem more hyped today, what did you prepare for us?"
"Morning to you too my prince! And I won't tell you, it's a surprise. Just wear something comfortable enough cuz we're gonna move around a lot today"

"Ok, I'll tell the guys while you get dressed"
"Tell them to bring something to disguise a bit since it's Saturday and there'll be more people around compared to yesterday" he nodded and went out of our room and I got changed to the outfit we chose during yesterday's mission.

After the breakfast at the hotel, we took the subway to the opposite side of the city center.
"QT-yah, where are we going?"
"We have to get off at Sesto Marelli and from there, we're gonna walk or take the bus to an art exhibition where we're gonna meet my old friend there and she'll hang out with us"
"Really organized huh?"

"I've been planning this since we debuted and finally I get to show you guys the places where I grew up"
We ended up taking the bus and as usual many eyes were on us and our self-cameras. Once there, at the entrance I saw a female figure and I ran to hug her.
"Sunshine unnie!"

"Oh my gosh, it's been so long! I missed you!
"Me too!"
"Guys, she's Kaelin. Kaelin, MCND. Don't freak out, ok?"
"Si si. Oh my! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, guys!"
"You're the one that is in a GEM group chat, right? The one that tells Sunny the fans' opinions?"
"Yes, that's me! Shall we go inside?"

Luckily today only one of our managers was with us, so Huijun and I were able to feel at ease and we held hands during almost the whole time. The gallery's main was the lights exhibitions. It was a place were we got to take again so many pictures and even got to goof around a bit.

"Ah I'm hungry"
"Let's go for lunch then? Kae where should we eat? Is the shopping center still open?"
"Oh yes! And they added a new food district inside, on the ground floor! There's sushi, burgers, shakes, bio food and so on"
"Oh! Let's go immediately then!" Minjae said.

After lunch we bid bye to Kae because she had to study since it's exams period. The manager had to go somewhere while I took the guys to Piazza Gae Aulenti where we explored the area since I never really got to visit this part of the town.
"Oh my! Sunshine is that you?!" I turned to see who it was.
"Oh shit- Hey, kuya Hunter..." I said awkwardly as he pulled me into a hug.
"I thought you were in Korea"

"Ah yeah, I'm here for a break and I'm here with my teammates" I said pointing at the group of confused boys.
"Hey there, I'm Hunter" he said putting his arm on my shoulder.
"Guys this is Kuya Hunter. Kuya, they're MCND" I said awkwardly.
"Who is he, Taeyangie?" My boyfriend asked in English.

Aww he's so cute when he tries to speak in English.

"I'm Sunshine's future boyfrie-"
"Nope. We already talked about that and I already rejected you years ago" I said immediately removing his arm from my shoulder.
"Oh cmon bae, you played hard to get for four years already"
"She said she rejected you already. So stop" Huijun stepped in.
"Why? Are you perhaps taken again huh?" Hunter asked me.

"Yes. And her boyfriend is right here in front of you. Let's go, princess" Huijun said in English as he pulled me away from him and we went far away from there.
"Damn bruh, you were JEALOUS"
"Never seen you like that, hyung"
"Thanks though, bae. That dude had always been such a headache and he used to have a stalker behavior"

"Luckily, you were with us"
"So, what are we doing now?"
A van pulled right in front of us and the door opened revealing both our managers.
"Get in, kids"
"Cmon, guys" our two managers said.
"Is this part of what you planned?" Cj asked.

The van took us to the other side of the city, actually outside of it and after about 40 minutes of drive we arrived at my planned destination.
"Wait- We're going to a amusement park?!"
"Yup! Surprise! I thought it was a nice idea since the last time we went to one all together was when we went in the US. But don't expect much, it's not that big of a place"
"But it's still an amusement park"
"There aren't many people yet since it opened an hour ago"

We enjoyed all the rides and then after dinner we decided to go to the Ferris wheel. One of the managers went to get the car while the other didn't join since he was afraid of heights, so we went without him.
"Hyung, can we go separately?"
"Is it ok to have only two people in a cabin?"
"Then sure"

After those four, we also got into one and it started moving.
"Finally, some time alone with my princess" he said as he back hugged me.
"Wow so cheesy suddenly"
"That dude really pissed me off, sorry bae..."
"Hey hey, why would you be sorry huh? You saved me from that annoying guy" I said turning to face him.

"I've missed this"
"Me too. The last time we got to openly act like this was so long ago"
"I've also missed this" and he leaned for a quick kiss.
"Not fair! I want another one" I said pouting.
"Hm Why would I give it to you?"
"Ok then" and I pulled him to my height and kissed him instead.
"Is this why you gave me a necklace with this outfit?"

"Mhm Not my fault that my boyfriend is taller than a light pole" "That's Minjae and at least I have the perfect height for this" He then proceeded to rest his chin on top of my head.
"What the hell you weirdo"
"Hey have I told you that I love you? It's been five months, is it ok to say it already?"
"I wanted to be the first one to say it though! Hmph"

"But aren't you gonna say it back?"
"No hmph"
"Ok, then go to that Hunter guy"
"Oh please no, ew!"
"So where's my 'I love you'?"
"Maybe in the mail" I was waiting for some sort of reaction but he was quiet, so I looked at him in the eyes and he started jumping slightly. The cabin didn't shake even a bit but I was scared.

"Aw Is my princess scared? Ok I'll stop and I'm sorry, but can I get my 'I love you'?"
"Fine. I love you, dumbass"
"Imma ignore that really rude pet name and kiss you instead"

After the ride we met the others.
"Damn, you two"
"We saw almost everything and ew!"
"The amount of cheesiness"
"Let's just get back the hotel"

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