Goodbye (Simon)

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You, Simon, and the rest of the group were getting the supermarket ready for Sam. You and Simon were organizing the pills, Josh and Kate were finding weapons and food, and Deena and Sam were talking about what was happening.
" Hey Simon, are you afraid?" I ask while sorting the pills.
"Yeah Y/N I am. I could loose you, my friends, or I could even die. That's terrifying." He sighed.
You try and continue sorting the pills but you could hold in your cry. You start to cry, which Simon notices.
"Babe? Are you crying?"
"No, someone is just cutting onions." You laugh trying to lighten the mood.
Simon picks you up and sits you one the counter. He puts his hands on your face and wipes the tears off. You hug his chest while he strokes you h/c hair.
"Babe, look at me. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise, I love you way to much."
You nod, but start to cry again.
"Guys finish they are coming." Josh yelled.
You jump off the counter and finish sorting the pills. You then give them to Deena and Sam, kiss Simon then walk off with Kate. You and Kate are just walking around when you hear a noise. Kate and you turn around and see Skull Face standing down the aisle.
"RUN!!" Kate yells.
You both run around the isles trying to get away. Kate and you hide in the bread area.
"Y/N, when he finds us run. Ok run, I will stop him. If I don't survive please take care of Simon for me. He needs a lot of support, and I know he loves you." Kate explains.
You nod, knowing she would fight you if you said no. You look around the corner and see Skull Face looking for you guys. He comes closer and Kate gives you the signal to run. As you run you can hear Kate screaming. You cry knowing you just left you friend die. You find Josh and Simon.
"Where's Kate?" They both ask.
You couldn't say or you would cry. But they could tell by your face. Josh looked broken, he just ran off. Simon hugged you.
"Umm...Simon we should run. Look." You pointed to a figure running towards you.
Simon grabs your hand and runs over to the frozen section.
"You should be safe here."
"You mean we should be safe here, I'm not letting you leave." You whispered.
"Babe, we have to say goodbye. I have to do this, for Deena and Sam." He explained.
"But what about us? What about our relationship? I promised Kate I would protect you for her." You cried.
"I'm sorry love, that's my job now. To protect you. Goodbye." He says, kissing you.
"Wait, what. No, not goodbye!"
He runs off, and before you know it he is dead. You hear him hit the floor and run over to him.
"Simon, please no! Please, I loved you." You cried.
You held his hand and kissed it. You couldn't believe your friend and boyfriend had died. You had sat their for so long you didn't here Josh yelling for you. Josh ran over and told you to come. You kissed Simons hand one more time and the walked off. Josh held your hand, knowing how it felt to lose someone you loved. You all walked out of the store and went to the police station. Your parents were scared, and crying. But all you could think of was Simon. What were his parents thinking, do they think he was killed by some crazy lunatic? Or do they believe the curse? You needed answers, but no one was giving you any. You were alone.

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