I love you, more than anyone (ziggy)

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For rainonriot
Ziggy x female reader

       You were sitting in the field sun tanning when someone sits next to you and takes a huge huff of air. You open your eyes and see Ziggy on the verge of pulling her hair out.
       "What's wrong Zig?" You ask.
       "Kurt is annoying the f*ck out of me. He keeps threatening to kick me out." Ziggy complained.
       "I'll talk to him." You said closing your eyes again. You were a counselor and Ziggy was a camper but she still was your best friend.
       "Please don't do me any favors." Ziggy says walking off in anger. You get up and head to Kurts cabin. You knock on the door.
       "Yeah, come in." Kurt yells. You open the door and immediately close your eyes. Kurt walks over shirtless.
       "y/n, you've seen me shirtless."
       "Yeah, at the pool."
       "And other places..." Kurt teases. You move your hands away and grab a shirt on the floor and throw it at him. He laughs and puts it on for your sake.
      "So what do you want y/n?" Kurt asks.
      "I need you to stop picking on Ziggy. Sheila keeps setting her up and getting her in trouble. So please for me."
       "Who says I would do anything for you?" Kurt laughs.
       "Come on, she's my best friend. I never ask you anything." You begged.
       "Okay, but what do I get out of it?" Kurt asked flirty.
       "I can't do anything with you. That one time was the only time." You insisted.
       "Maybe for you, but I like you. A lot." Kurt got closer. You stayed silent as he kept leaning in until his lips met yours. You left the kiss.
       "Okay, well I gotta go. See you..Kurt." You blushed. You walked out of the cabin and ran to your cabin. You closed the door and screamed in excitement. Someone knocks on your door. You open in and see Nick with a scared look on his face.
       "What happened y/n?!"
       "Kurt kissed me!" I shout. Nicks face suddenly turns into disappointment.
       "Really, that's it. I thought something actually happened to you." Kurt said. You hit him in the chest. His hand went to his chest and held it in pain. You opened the door.
      "Out, you are not ruining this for me." You said pushing him out. You then closed the door and sat at the bottom of the door and held your knees. You smiled to yourself.
      "I just got kissed." You said to yourself.

                                An hour later

      You get ready for dinner when Ziggy bursts into your cabin.
      "Knock much?"
      "We're best friends we are past knocking. Anyway I heard you talked to Kurt, I though I told you not too." Ziggy said.
       "I knew you wanted me to, you're just stubborn." You said.
       "No I'm not."
       "Yes you are."
       "No I'm not." Ziggy got louder.
       "Fine you're not."
       "Thank you." Ziggy mumbled.
       "You are welcome. Now do you want to go to dinner and take a bunch of brownies?"
       "Yes." Ziggy mumbled. You took her hand and pulled her out of your cabin and over to the dining hall. You guys got your food and sat down. You guys were talking about a book when Kurt came behind you.
       "Hey y/n, can we talk. Outside." Kurt asks. Ziggy gives him the death stare. He stuck his tongue at her in response. You laughed and got up.
      "I'll be back Zig." You said. Kurt lead you outside and brought you behind the building. He holds both of your hands like this:

 He holds both of your hands like this:

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      "Hey." Kurt said quietly.
      "Hi." You said back. Kurt looked into your eyes and kissed you. You kissed him back and smiled into the kiss. You left the kiss to look at him.
      "Wow, who knew this would happen. I could never imagine...us being together. I'm happy though." You said.
      "Me too." Kurt said moving your hair to the side of your face. You kissed him on the cheek. He holds you and you rest your head on his shoulder. You turn your head and see Ziggy. She stops in her tracks and makes a fist. She runs off.
      "Hey Kurt, I'm gonna go to my cabin."
      "I could come with." Kurt flirted.
      "No, maybe later. I have to do this one thing."
      "Okay, bye." Kurt kissed you. You walk away and over to Ziggy's cabin. I knock.
      "Zig, it's me y/n. Please, let me in." You plead.
      "No!!" Ziggy yells. You ignore and come in. Ziggy looks up and rolls her eyes.
      "I didn't say you could come in."
      "I know, but since when do friends knock? Zig, please listen to me. I'm very sorry, I know you hate Kurt. But it just happened." You try to explain.
"Sure, I believe you. Does he make you happy?"
"Yes, he is a total gentleman." You say.
"Really, Kurt? He's a total a**hole." Ziggy said.
"Zig. Please, I'm happy."
"Okay, I'm sorry. That's all the matters. Do you want to go to the camp fire?" Ziggy asked.
"I'd, love that." You smile. You and Ziggy grab your jackets and head out. You guys go to the camp fire and sit down. You and her are talking to Cindy when Kurt comes over.
"Hey babe." Kurt said.
"Babe?" Cindy mouths to you and you nod in response. Ziggy rolls her eyes.
"Could you join me over by Nick and Tommy? Cindy could even come. But sorry Ziggy only councilors aloud." Kurt said making Ziggy mad.
"Well, I don't want to leave Ziggy alone. She can't come Kurt? Please."
"No it's fine, I'm gonna go to bed anyway. Bye." Ziggy said walking off.
"Ziggy! No!" You try and yell but she's already off.
"Well than ladies, would you like to come!"
"Sure." "Of course!" You and Cindy say at the same time. Kurt walks you two over to the counselors and sits down and pats a spot next to him for you. Cindy sits on the other side but keeps looking at Tommy. You notice and smile. You get up and walk over to Tommy.
"Hey Tommy, you see Cindy over their?"
"Yeah." Tommy says looking over at Cindy.
"Well she thinks you're cute and I think you should go talk to her."
"Okay." Tommy walks over to Cindy and they hit it off right away. Kurt walks over with two beers in his hands and hands you one.
"Here you go, is that Cindy and Tommy?" Kurt asked.
"Yes, and don't act stunned. Cindys a pretty girl and she's very smart. She has a lot to offer to a guy." You said. Kurt put his hands up in response. Your mind though went straight to Ziggy. You felt horrible.
"Kurt I'm gonna go to my cabin. I'm really tired." You faked yawn.
"Okay, goodnight." Kurt said, finishing his beer. You roller your eyes and walked off. You had only been dating Kurt for a day and a half and he's already an a**hole. You get to Ziggy's cabin and see the light still on. You walk in and see her on her bed reading Carrie.
"Carrie, my favorite. What page?" You ask.
"Pg 5, I'm rereading it. Getting some inspiration."
"You gonna splatter someone with pigs blood?" You joke. Ziggy laughs but tries to hide it. You kneel down by her bed and grab the book out of her hand.
"Zig, I'm sorry. You know, I didn't want to leave you. I never said you had to leave. I didn't even know Kurt was gonna be there. I wanted to hang out with you." You pleaded.
"I know. It's jus-"
"It's just what? What, tell me?" You pressured Ziggy.
"It's just that Kurts a d*ck! He treats you horribly, he doesn't even love you!!" Ziggy stood up and yelled.
"Who does then, I don't see anyone."
"ME!! I do y/n, I have since you moved in next door!! I love you more than anyone!!" Ziggy got louder.
"Ziggy, I didn't know."
"Well I'm a good actor."
"Wow, after you said that all the times we've had together I never noticed that I liked you also." You said.
Ziggy ran up to you and hugged you. You hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
"Guess you have to break up with Kurt" Ziggy said laughing.

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