It's you (young nick goode)

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For 1-800-SLAPACOP

      Nick had just left to find other campers and counselors. He told me "I'm not gonna let you die, now let me do my job." I was waiting in the mess hall. I couldn't stop thinking of Nick. What if he was in trouble or dead. I walked up to Gary.
"Hey Gary, anything from Nick yet?"
"No, why? You two an item, because I'll have to report him. You are a camper." Gary explained.
"No, Gary calm down." I lied. I walked back to the table and sat down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I suddenly woke up to being shook.
"Hey, Y/N! Wake up!" Nick yelled.
"Nick, are you okay?"
"Yeah, are you?"
"Yes, Alice and Gary are dead. But the police are on their way." He sighed. I jumped him into a hug. I started tearing up.
"I knew you were lying, you're not okay." Nick laughed.
"I just why, what happened to Tommy? He was a good guy. He was nice to everyone."
"Well, sometimes people just go crazy." Nick explained.
I start to tear up again and he pulls me in to hold me. I cry into his shirt and he just continues holding me.
      "We should go to the bus."
      "Okay." I sniffled. We walk out and quickly onto the bus. He shields me away from everyone else and leads me to the back of the bus. Everyone was freaking out. Kurt was trying to calm everyone down even though he was freaking out himself.
      "Nick, thank you. For everything." I whispered.
      "Your welcome."
      "I love you." I say drifting off.
      Nick was shocked. He laid you down and kissed your forehead.
     "I love you too."
                          1 and 1/2 hours later

     "Hey, Y/N wake up. We are here." Nick calmly said.
     I got up and fixed my hair. Nick waits by me and then leads me out of the bus. My eyes adjust to the sun. I look around and then I see my dad. I run over and jump into their arms.
     "Oh my god honey! Are you okay!" My dad cried.
     "Yeah, Nick protected me."
     "Who's Nick?"
     "Oh." I got Nick. I tried dragging him over.
     "No, Y/N I don't meet campers parents especially the ones I like." He sighed.
     "Come on." I pulled over. He hid behind me.
     "Hi, Nick thank you for taking care of my kid."
     "You're welcome." Nick mumbled.
     My dad gave me the look and I nodded.
     "Well, I guess I will go get your bag. Say some parting words to your friend." My dad sighed, and then walking away.
     "Oh my god, I was so nervous. I'm sweating." Nick sighed.
     "You were great, I could tell he liked you." I laughed.
     "Could we talk about what you said in the bus?"
     "What did I say?"
     "You said I love you. I mean I was happy when you did, but it left me shocked." Nick said.
     "Well, I said it because I meant it. I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't. You protected me when you didn't have to." I explained.
     "Oh. Well that's good. I just wanted to tell you I said it back but you were asleep."
     "You did?"
     "Well yeah, I do love you. So I thought why no-" I interrupted him by kissing him. His eyes were open and then immediately closed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and picked me up. He stopped kissing me and set me down.
      "I'm gonna miss you."
      "We live 15 minutes away from each other. We can see each other every weekend." I insisted.
     "Well, how could I resist." Nick joked. I rolled my eyes and pulled the neck of his shirt. I brought him down to my face and started kissing him again. He melted into the kiss. His hand lead down my back, I knew where this was going. I hit his hand.
      "Ow!" Nick laughed.
      "My dad is over there, he would kill me."
      "Ok well, you know my number call me okay." Nick sighed.
      "Of course, kiss?"
      Nick leaned down and kissed me. He then hugged me.
     "Bye, love you Y/N L/N!" Nick shouted running off to the counselors.
     "I love you too, Nick Goode." I mumbled to myself before walking to my dads car.

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