Should have been me (Cindy)

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For littlefruitypie

I had been dating Alice for a while. We were friends for a year then we both developed feelings for each other. We joined camp together to spend the summer with each other before I moved to California.
       I was walking to the dining hall with Alice, when I got knocked in the shoulder by someone. Cindy speed walked by us and right into the dining hall.
       "B*tch." Alice mumbled.
       "Hey be nice, she did nothing wrong."
       "Oh well except abandoning our friend group." Alice laughed.
       We walk into the dining hall and go sit next to Nick and Kurt. Alice is talking about how she once stole a comic book from a store and Kurt is arguing with her on how wrong it is. Nick looks over to the side and then over to me.
       "Y/N, look over to your left."
       "What?" I look over to the left, Cindy looks me up and down in a bad way. I look back at Nick and then over to Alice who also noticed. Her face got red.
       "Did Cindy just give you a dirty look?"
       "Apparently she hates me." I laughed.
       "I don't get why she's mad, she's the one who broke the friendship. I'm gonna go talk to her." Alice grunts.
"No! Just ignore her." I shout holding Alice back.
"Why? She's being rude."
"Because she's just wanting attention. Leave it alone." I insist.
Alice rolls her eyes and fakes a smile. I kiss her on the cheek and hold her hand. I finish my food and wait outside for Alice. Cindy walks out and then stops seeing me. She turns towards me and walks over.
"Hey Y/N, can we talk?"
"Yeah, sure. What do you need?" I ask.
"I just wanted to tell you that I hate you."
" that" I mumble.
"I just thought you should know."
"Why do you hate me?" I questioned.
Cindy stays quiet, I wait for her answer.
"Oh my god Cindy, just tel-"
"It's because I love you!!" Cindy yells at me.
We stand in silence, both of us staring at our feet. Cindy grabs my hand.
"It's just when you started dating Alice I got angry. I didn't understand at first why I was angry. I thought it was because I didn't want the friendship ruined. But it was actually that I wanted you." Cindy confessed.
I was still in shock. I couldn't feel my body. I try to speak but my mouth is to dry.
"Y/N are you okay?" Cindy asked.
" don't know anymore." I whispered.
"Y/N, I want to take you out...on a date."
"Y/N, Cindy. What are you guys doing?" Alice questioned.
Alice looks at me, then over at Cindy. She quickly got the hint and walked off.
"Alice! Alice! I didn't say anything to Cindy. She was the one who told me." I cry out.
"It's not that, it's the fact she had the audacity to tell you at all." Alice shouted.
"All she said was that she liked me."
"What else?" Alice asked.
"She also asked me out..." I mumbled.
"Go then, have fun." Alice cried walking away.
I stood in shock, did she just tell me to go out with another girl. I thought she loved me. I walk back to the dining hall where Cindy still is.
"Oh hi Y/N, is she mad?"
"Of course she is mad! Who wouldn't be, her girlfriend just got asked out by her ex-friend! I would be furious!!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't keep the secret anymore." Cindy mumbled.
"WHY DID YOU EVEN DO IT?!" I got louder.
" should've been me." Cindy mumbled again before walking off.

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