I dont want to hide (Will Goode)

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I sat in my cabin reading my book as Ziggy burst in. She groaned and jumped on my bed. I sat my book down and looked over at her.
"You good Zig?" I laugh. Ziggy mumbles to herself.
"Okay neverm-" Ziggy interrupted.
"I hate the Goodes. Like why are they so bossy and mean. Will just tried to kill me and Nick tried to flirt with me. I hate it here." Ziggy yelled.
"Okay, I know what could make you feel better. How about I go to the cafeteria and get some cookies, burgers, and fries and we watch a movie."
Ziggy gave a tiny smile and nodded. I pat her leg and get up.
"I'll be back with the food, you set up the movie."
Ziggy nodded and started setting up the projector. I left the room and headed towards the dinning hall. Suddenly I was pulled by my arm into the craft room.
"Ahh! What the hel- Will what are you doing?"
"I saw you walking and I missed you. So I wanted to say hi." Will smiled.
"Hi, okay I gotta go." I said walking off.
Will pulled me back and gave me a confused look.
"You okay. Are you mad at me?" Will asked.
I looked down at the floor, and mumbled to myself.
"Hey, what's the matter? What did I do?" Will asked again.
"I don't know, Ziggy told me you almost killed her. Did you try and hurt her?"
"Ziggy's overreacting me and Sheila just pulled a prank on her. She does the same things to us." Will explained.
"I just don't want to be with someone who would hurt my best friend. I love you will bu-"
"You love me?"
"Well yeah of course I do. But I can't love someone who is gonna hurt my friends."
"Ok, I love you too. I'll apologize to Ziggy."
"Wait! You can't no one knows we're together. Not even Ziggy."
"Oh yeah. I guess Ill tell her that Nick said I had to apologize." Will mumbled.
I kiss him on the cheek and let go of his hand. I leave the craft room and head towards the dining hall. I grab the cheeseburgers and fries. I head towards the deserts, when Ziggy came up behind me.
"Hey what took you so long? I have the movie all set up."
"Yeah sor-"
Suddenly Will appeared behind me and Ziggy. Ziggy jumped and screamed a little.
"What do you want Will?" Ziggy said with a snarky tone.
"I want to apologize. I'm sorry for pranking you." Will mumbled.
Ziggy developed a shocked look on her face. She looked at me who was faking a shocked face. Ziggy nodded.
"Thank you Will, I appreciate it. I'll meet you at the cabin y/n. Bye Will."
Ziggy walked off with the snacks and headed out of the dinning hall. I turned away from Will and he walked over next to me. I looked down and gave my money to the lady. I walked over to a table and got some napkins when Will tapped my shoulder.
      "Hey y/n. You still mad at me?"
      "No I'm not. I gotta go, see ya Will."
      I walk out of the dining hall and over hear Will running after me. He catches up to me and pulls me behind a tree.
      "What are you doing Will?!"
      "I apologized, why are you still mad at me?" Will questioned.
      "Will I'm not mad, just no one is supposed to know we are dating. I'm a Shadysider you're a Sunnyvaler. We aren't supposed to be together, but we are and I'm happy about that. But that doesn't mean other people will be. I gotta go, I love you." I said kissing him on the nose.
      He gave a sincere smile and I left him standing alone. I walk over to my cabin where Ziggy is standing with cookies. Will comes up to me again and grabs my hand.
      "Will what are you doing?"
      "Do you trust me?"
      "Do you trust me!?" Will asked.
      Will pulled me in and kissed me. Ziggy was shocked and so was everyone else around me. Will back away and set his forehead on mine. I smiled.
       "Why did you do that?" I asked.
       "I didn't want to hide anymore." Will smiled kissing my forehead.

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