Prom night (kurt x female reader)

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       Me and Kurt go to separate schools. He goes to Sunnyvale high and I go to Shadyside high. It was prom season and I was excited. But I knew Kurt wouldn't want me to go to Sunnyvale high prom. We were hanging out when Kurt brought prom up.
       "Hey y/n what do you think about prom?"
       "Oh I don't know, I mean I probably won't go." I mumbled.
       Kurt looked at me and gave a shocked look. He nodded and started to play with my hair. I could tell he was upset.
       "Why did you want to go?" I ask.
       "Yeah I mean I wanted to take you to dinner then take you to the prom and dance with you."
       I smiled at the thought of us at the prom. He took my hand into his and kissed it.
       "You won't be embarrassed of me at your school?"
       Kurt gave a hurt look. He got up from his bed and went to his desk chair. I gave a confused look.
      "You really think I'm ashamed of you? Wow y/n I'm really hurt right now."
      I stood up and sat on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held onto my waist, and leaned his head on my shoulder.
      "I just didn't want you to be embarrassed of me. I want your prom night to be perfect." I sighed.
      "And I want your prom night to be perfect. I want to be with you. Will you go to prom with me y/n?"
     I smiled and nodded. He pulled me in and kissed me on the nose.

                                 Prom night

     I got ready in my room. My dress hanging on my closet door. I looked at the beautiful dress,

 I looked at the beautiful dress,

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       I took it off the hook. I went into the bathroom and zipped the dress on. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.
      "Y/n kurts here!!!" My mom yelled.
      I took a breath and opened the door. I headed down the stairs, but gracefully enough to have a "grand entrance". I walked down and saw Kurt standing in the entrance way. His eyes lit up and a smile grew large on his face. I stood in front of him and smiled back.
      "Wow y/n you look great." Kurt said.
      "Thanks Kurt."
      My mom runs in with a camera.
      "Say cheese!"
Kurt gently pulled me closer to him, leaving his hand on my waist. I smiled when I he came closer to my ear.
"You look amazingly hot."
I smirked at his comment, trying not to show me blushing. My mom took the picture.
"Ok well you two have fun. Love you y/n."
I waved by to my mom and headed out the door. Kurt ran ahead of me to open the car door. I smirked and sat down in the car, he then closed the door and ran to the other side. He got in and buckled his seatbelt. He looked over at me.
     "Did I tell you how hot you look?"
    I smiled and nodded.
    "Yeah Kurt I think ya did." I laughed.
    Kurt leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled which made him smile in return.
    "Well you do."
    Kurt then started the car and pulled out of my moms driveway. We were on our way to Sunnyvale high school and I was nervous. I was twirling my hands together and Kurt noticed. He took my hand into his and kept driving. We got to the school and parked. He opened my side of the door and helped me out. I look around, Sunnyvale high was nicer than Shadyside. He takes my arms in to his and we walk inside the school. We go through the gym doors and everyone's eyes are on us. I look down and let go of Kurts arm. I start to twirl my hands again. Kurt takes my hand and looks at me.
      "Ignore then, it's just me and you. Here tonight. Let's go dance." Kurt smiled.
     I knew this night would be perfect.

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