Fight! (Sheila)

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For avengers_assemble15

I was sitting at one of the tables outside on the field. I was sketching one of the cabins nearest to the woods. As I was drawing a huge smack hits the table messing me up.
"Wow Y/N....that's a good drawing...for a 1st grader." Sheila sarcastically said.
"Wow Sheila you know that's a really pretty top. It would look so much better with some color tho."
"I know rigHT!!!" Sheila screams as I pour my ice cold orange juice on her shirt.
I smile as she screams in mine and all of her friends faces. I turn my head to see Kurt running over with other camp counselors.
"Oh shit." I whisper.
I run leaving my stuff at the table. Sheila notices me running away.
"She's getting away...Will! Get!"
Will runs to get me, and Kurt runs up to Sheila and the rest of the group.
"Where's Y/N and Will? Tell me now!" Kurt yells. Sheila points over to the forest. Kurt runs over to the forest, the group follows. They find Will holding me like I'm a convict.
"Will let go of her."
Will drops me, having me hit the dirt. Will goes back to Sheila and Kurt kneels down to me.
"Y/N, I'm gonna let you go without a warning." Kurt sighed.
"What that's not fair!"
"SHUT UP SHEILA!" Kurt yells.
Kurt turns up back at me and nods at me to go. I give him a tiny smile, and he pats my back. As I walk out I could hear him telling them their punishments. I get to the field when I hear my name yelled again.
"Y/N!!!! COME HERE!!" Sheila screamed.
"Oh no." I whispered.
I run through the field, they spotted me. I look behind me and see Sheila speeding for me. I try and go through kids playing to slow her down. It didn't work, I trip over a jumprope game and land on my back. Sheila then gets on top of me and starts punching. I use my arms to hide my face but then realize I can hit back. I start swinging my arms at her face and using my knees to knee her stomach. She started getting week so I flipped her over and started hitting her. Kids were making a huge circle around us. Will was being a wuss and wouldn't stop me from hitting his girlfriend. Sheila then goes for my hair. Sheila pulls and pulls making it hard for me to hit her. She is able to push me off of her and get up. I then get up and push her. She turned around and pushes me. We continue pushing each other until it becomes a fighting match again. Finally Kurt and Joan come break it up. Kurt picks me up from Sheila holding me back while I'm kicking my legs up. Joan tries but needs help with Sheila so Nick runs up to help.
"What the hell is wrong with you two!!" Kurt yelled trying to still hold me back.
"That b*tch ruined my beautiful t-shirt!" Sheila yelled.
" it's not even that great of a shirt." Joan mumbled.
I laughed at joans comment and smiled making Sheila mad. Kurt rolled his eyes.
"This is a real warning now, both of you will not participate in camp activities for a week! You will be cleaning the dinning hall after every meal!" Kurt yelled. He let me go, and said to let go Sheila. He walked us to our cabin.
"B*tch." Sheila mouths.
"F*ck you." I mouth back.

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