Chapter 12

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Amarina's P.O.V
      I quickly get changed back into my jeans and T-shirt. Once I'm dressed I rush out of the bathroom and I bump into Mali. "Sorry." I say and she gives me a smile. "It's fine. Why are you all changed?" I give a small sigh. "Well Michael obviously doesn't want me here so I'm going home."
"No he wants you to be here. That's why he invited you." She says with kind in her eyes.
"Well then I guess he changed his mind." I say and start to walk away.
      I get to the door and put my hand on the knob. I then feel someone grab my hand and I turn to see that it's Mali. "Please don't go. I wanna see how much fun you are like Calum says." I look at my feet and stay silent. "Come on. We can just hang out in my room. We don't have to be around them." I lift my head up and she smiles. She  runs to her room down the hall and I follow. I walk into her room and she's grabbing cloths from her closet. "Just let me get changed and we can do something okay?" I nod in response and she goes into the bathroom with clothes. I sit on her bed and wait for her to come back.
       After about 15 minutes she comes out in jeans and a tank top. "So what are we going to do exactly?" I ask. "Well first off let's fix your hair. It's all wet and messy." She reaches out her hand and I take it. She drags me to the bathroom and tells me to sit down on the stool. I do so and she looks in the drawers. She takes out a brush, hair dryer and a curling iron. She perks her head back up and plugs in the hair dryer. She turns it on and starts drying my hair.
        After about 30 minutes she then turns it off and starts brushing my hair.
"So what do you like to do for fun?"
"I dance and play video games." I say and she giggles. "What do you like to do for fun?" I ask.
"I love to sing and go shopping. I was on the voice actually."
"That's amazing."
"Ya. So how long have you and Michael been going out?"
         "What?" I ask with a small laugh. "You know how long have you guys been dating?" She asks with a smile. "We aren't together and never were." Her eyes go wide and she stops brushing. "Well then I totally misread all of the things that were happening." "What do you mean?" She plugs in the curling iron and waits for it to heat up. "Well when you walked outside Michael got this look like....... you know the look that guys have when they see a beautiful girl?" I nod in response. "Well it was that look. Then when he picked you up and threw you in the pool." She closes her eyes and sighs. "I thought that was so cute. It was like what happens in movies and romance novels." My cheeks turn pink and I have a small smile.
       She takes the curling iron and starts to curl my hair. "Well it's not like we couldn't be together. We could if he wanted to, but I don't know. There's also this other guy and I like him too it's just we've been going on dates for like 3 months now. He still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend." She then bites the inside of her cheek. "Do you like him or Michael more?" I sigh and look at my hands. "You see I'm still trying to figure this out. I'm trying to see if one of them is just a phase." She finishes curling my hair and turns off the iron.
       She puts some pieces of hair in a different location and then steps back. She then grabs a small bag and unzips it. She pulls out some makeup. "Hell no." I say and she put the makeup back in the bag. "Why don't you want makeup?" She puts all the stuff back and I get off the stool. "I only wear makeup twice a year. For dance competitions and dance recital." She smiles and closes the drawer. "Well do you wanna go shopping or something? You know to get away from these boys?" I nod and we head out of the bathroom.
        She walks in her room and comes out minutes later with her wallet. She flshes me a smile and waves to me to follow her. Mali walks to the sliding doors and yells at the boys "I'm taking Amarina to go do something. Don't burn the house down while I'm gone." They all say okay and we head out the door.
       We're inside the mall and Mali is dragging me to all of her favorite stores. Right now we are in some girly store and she's looking at dresses and frilly tops. She picks up a red dress and hands it to me. "Your trying this on. It would look amazing on you." She says with a wide smile. I give her a smile back. She picks out a black one that has ruffles underneath to make it poofy. Mali leads me to the changing rooms and I go in one and so does she. I slip into the red dress and to be honest this is the one dress that actually looks good on me.
"Hey Am you dressed?" Mali asks.
"Well cone out and show me." She says.
       I unlock the the door and she looks absolutely stunning. She has a big smile on her face. A smile creeps on my face and she tells me that I look beautiful. "You look stunning." She blushes at my words and goes back in the changing room. I do the same and I lock the door behind me. I take one last look at it before I take it off. I check the price tag and it says $95.20. Oh fuck that. I am not paying that much for a dress. I think to myself as I take it off.
Michael's P.O.V
       Luke and I are all trying to pick out a movie while Calum makes popcorn. Luke keeps insisting on watching Anchor man, but I'd rather watch Austin Powers. So we argue about which movie we want to watch until the door opens. I look behind me and see Mali and Am laughing at something.
        What the hell happened to Am's hair? It looked all plain and now it's all...... girly. What the hell did she do to herself? I think to myself.

       Amarina and Mali immediately head down the hall to Mali's room. Luke starts going on about wanting to watch the movie he wants. I tell him that we'll just watch his movie and I get up. He has a shocked look on his face because I never let him win these arguments. I walk down the hall and go into Mali's room. I knock on the closed door and Mali says to come in. I do so and I only see Mali.
"Where's Am?"
"Oh she's in the bathroom. Why?"
"I need to apologize for what I said. I feel really terrible for what I said."
"You should be Michael."
       "I know. I really just want her to forgive me. I put her in some bad situations and ya. I feel so terrible that I make the girl I like mad and upset because of what I said or my stupid actions." I say and sit on her bed. "I was the one who made her cry because I said I didn't want to be friends anymore. I'm the person that told her that she was annoying and a dick. I feel like such an idiot." I put my head in my hands.
"Wait wait wait did you say that you like her?" She says with a questionable look. I nod in response and she smiles. "Like as more than a friend?" She asks. I nod again and look up at her.
        Mali does a little screech and I furrow my eyebrows together. She looks at the open doorway and I turn around and nothings there. "She likes you too." She whispers. My eyes get big and I feel my cheeks get warm. Mali smiles and I do the same."But there's also this other guy she likes and she's trying to find out which one of you is just a phase. I think what you said may have lowered your chances Mikey." She says and my smile disappears. Amarina walks into the room with her hair wet a hairbrush in hand while she looks at the ground.
"Hey Mali can I have some he-" She stops mid sentence as she sees me. "Oh.... uh I'm sure I can figure it out." She then goes back into the bathroom.
"I'll be right back." Mali says with a smile. She walks into the bathroom and I see Amarina practically ripping her hair out with the brush. Before Mali closes the door I see a tears escape from Am's eyes. Then the door shuts.
        Amarina walks into Mali's room with her hair back to it's normal state. Her eyes are blood shot and I feel my heart sink. I hate to see her like this. She sits on the bed and takes in a deep breath. "Mali said you wanted to talk." I face her and she just looks at her hands.
"Listen Am. I didn't mean what I said. I regret it and I was just angry and ya. I was pissed and I was upset at how you were pushing me to tell you something. I just feel really bad and I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me something that you clearly didn't want to tell me. What you said is true though. I am annoying and I can be a dick sometimes. But it hurt to have someone actually say it to my face. I'm sorry and I accept your apology." She faces me and the corners of her lips form into a smile. I return and I accept her apology.
         We then hug and I ask her if she wants to go watch a movie with us. She agrees and we walk out to the living room and sit on the couch. She curls up next me and I put my arm around her. She rests her head on my chest and I hope she doesn't hear or feel my heart pounding.
        I'm so happy I met her. I'm so happy that she actually likes me back. She is so amazing and I'm so happy she's cuddling up to me right now. I hope she finds out that Aaron is an ass and that he's just a phase. I hope that I'm the one she actually likes. I think to myself.
      I smile down at her and she just stays cuddled up to me. We watch the movie and she falls asleep half way through. I stare at her with a small smile on my face and I see a flash at the corner of my eye. I look up to see Mali taking pictures and Calum and Luke smiling at me.
"What?" I whisper.
"Nothing." They all say in unison with smug grins on their faces.
      I shake my head and pull her closer to me. She wiggles a little bit and stay still. She then whispers "I love you Mikey." I feel my cheeks warm up and a big smile forms on my face. When I go to say it back she whispers "I like you Aaron." My smile fades realizing that she's just talking in her sleep.

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