Chapter 9

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Michael's P.O.V

I walk with Amarina going over the plan. I run that image of Kylee and that guy. I feel my hate fire burst into flames. I see her talking to Mindy and Aleisha. I give Amarina a reassuring a look and she nods. I walk twards Kylee and my hate for her increases. Once I'm near her she flashes me a smile.

"Mikey!" She says with a giant smile.

"Hey....... um........ I wanna break up." I say while looking behind me at Amarina once I say it.

She huffs and looks at her friends like I'm delusional. She looks at me and gives a slight smile.

"Okay..... why?"

"Your cheating on me." I say bluntly.

"Where would you get that idea sweetie? Don't tell me you actually believe that ugly ass bitch that told I was. Mikey you know I would never. I even told you."

"Okay first of all I should have believed her from the start. Second don't call my best friend a bitch or ugly. That's just terrible ypu don't say that to people. Third you need to cut the crap because I have proof that you are." I say and her face goes pail.

"What are you talking about."

Amarina comes out from behind me with the pictures already up. She smiles and Kylee looks at me. "Okay so your going to believe some pictures she took. Your going to trust this cunt and not your own girlfriend." Amarina's face goes pail by her words and she goes to run off but I grab her wrist to make her stay. "You do not say that to people! Especially to my best friend who I would rather believe than you. Plus i was with her while she took the pictures. You know what Kylee your a bitch. By the way your my ex-girlfriend now. We're done."

I storm off pulling Amarina behind me. My face is red from yelling and from the anger. I'm glad I'm done with her. At least Mindy and Aleisha wouldn't do that. They're actually a lot nicer than Kylee. It's just Kylee that turns them into these narssasstic bitches. Once I get a good distance away from them I stop. I look at Amarina and she has tears streaming down her face.

"Am don't cry please. She's just a bitch. Your not a cunt, ugly or a bitch. Come on let's go get to class."

She nods and we walk down the hall to get to our class. Once we get in the classroom we sit in the back as always. She wipes the last of her tears and puts on a smile. "I'm glad your not dating her anymore." I smile back at her and say "Me too." The bell rings and class begins.


Amarina's P.O.V

I'm sitting by myself waiting for the guys. I quietly eat my lunch while thinking about my science project. I look around for one of the boys but instead I meet eyes with Kylee. She passes over to me and I put my attention twards my food. I look at the corner of my eye and realize Kylee is hovering over me. She clears her throat and I take that as to look at her so I do.

"Your a little slut you know that." She says.

"No." I say very quiet.

"Well you are. You know why?" I shake my head no. "It's because your going out with Aaron and your trying to have Michael."

"For the record me and Aaron aren't going out. Plus me and Michael are just friends."

"Save it. The only reason why Michael broke up with me is because you told him to. He had no idea I was cheating in the first place. Your pathetic you know that. Your also a waist of air. You should just stop breathing. It wpuld make everyone's life better." She says as she glares at me.

I'm on the bridge of tears and Kylee just laughs. "Cry loser. Everybody already knows that your a pathetic cry baby. Go ahead cry like the little baby you are." She smiles. Aleisha and Mindy stand behind her not saying a word. I can see the guilt in their eyes. "Nobody cares about you and never will. So you might as well end your life right here." My face flushes and my heart hurts. She walks off with a sly smile. Aleisha stays behind. "Listen I'm sorry for what she said she's just pissed and-" she gets cut off by Kylee calling her. She walks over to her and as soon as she leaves I feel tears start to stain my cheeks. I look down at the table and tears slowly start trickling down my cheeks. I hear trays being set down on the table and I know who it is.

"Amarina are you okay?" Calum asks.

I shake my head no and tears begin to form faster. "Are you feeling okay?" Luke ask. I shake my head no again. I lift up my head and wipe the tears away. "Why are you crying?" Luke asks. I don't answer and just eat my food. "It was Kylee wasn't it." Michael says. I stay silent and look at my food. "What did she do?" He asks with hate in his eyes. I sniffle and wipe away some left behind tears. "She said that I was a slut because I went out with Aaron and that I wanted you. She also said that the only reason why you broke up with her is because I told you to. Which was almost half true. Then she told me that I was a waste of air and told me to stop breathing because it would make everyone's life better." I say with tears running down my face.

"Okay that's it. She is not going to talk to you like that anymore." Michael gets up and walks over to Kylee.

I see anger in his eyes as he talks. I don't know what he's saying ,but I can tell it's very bad. He then walks back over with his face flushed red. "Hopefully she leaves you alone now. If not you got us to help you out." He says. I give a small smile and Luke starts talking about this Saturday. I just listen and quietly eat my lunch.


      I'm walking home with my eyes at the ground and my heavy bag on my back. I finally get to my house. I unlock the door and walk in to see that nobody is home. I then quietly close the door shut. My heart sinks and I feel tears start to run down my cheeks. I just fall to the ground with my back up against the closed door. I start bawling with my knees to my chest.

Maybe Kylee is right. Maybe I should just stop breathing. Nobody would even care. My parents aren't even home and I feel no affection from them at all. I'm not even sure if my friends like me or would even care if I just stopped breathing. I think to myself.

       I start crying harder and run upstairs. I fling my backpack on the ground and I plop myself on my bed. I shove my face in my pillow and scream into it as tears coming out quicker. I pick my face out of the pillow and sniff a couple times.

        I then sit up and wipe away some of my tears. I then stand up and grab my backpack. I make it over to my desk and start doing my homework as some tears roll down my cheeks.


Michael's P.O.V

        I felt like I should go see if Amarina was okay after what happened today. So I ask Ashton if we could go see her. He agreed and we all hoped in the car. I mean we weren't doing anything important....... unless you count playing FIFA important.

       Ashton starts the car and we head over to her house. We listen to blink 182 as Ashton drives. Luke and Calum are air guitaring in the back and I'm doing the same. I love these guys so much and it would be so awesome to leave school and play shows with them.


      We're at Amarina's front door and Calum knocks on the door. I hear a faint voice say "coming." The door opens and I see her wiping away her tears. Once she looks directly at us she gives us a fake smile. "Hey guys what are you doing here?" "Well we wanted to make sure you were okay and obviously your not. Can we come in?" Luke asks. She nods and steps aside. Once we're all in she starts bawling again and we all put her in a group hug.

"Would you guys care if I died?" She asks.

"Of course we would. Just because Kylee said that doesn't mean it's true. Don't listen to her. We care about you Am. A whole damn lot." I say.

"I love you guys." She sniffs.

"We love you too Am." We all say in unison.

       We get out of the group hug and she wipes away her tears. She then puts a real smile on her face. We then sit down and mess around and play games until we have to leave.


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