Chapter 15

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Amarina's P.O.V
      My dads have the day off today so they decided to drive me to school. I hop into the car and we drive off. Both of my dads decided to drive me to school since they apparently have nothing better to do. "Sweetie?" My dad Ryan asks.
"What's that red stuff on your hands?"
         I look down at my hands and silently cuss. "Um.....I was using markers late last night and I guess some got on my hands." I lie. He gives a nod and parks the car right in front of the school. I rush out of the car and Alex yells "Bye koala bear!" and Ryan yells "bye sweetie!" I give them a death glare and quickly run through the doors. Once I'm inside I head straight towards my locker and try to open it. I struggle a few times and jiggle the lock. "Hey." Someone says which makes me jump. I turn and see Michael laughing with tired eyes.
"Hey Mikey." I breath out.
"So did you get caught by your parents?"
"No. Did you?"
"I heard Kylee had to have her new boyfriend drive her to school." He whispers.
"Are you serious?" I laugh out.
      He nods and I give a small laugh. I finally get my locker unlocked and shove my backpack in it. I grab my books and head to class with Michael walking beside me. "I have spray paint on my hands from last night and my dads asked what it was so I said it was marker." He smiles and looks at the ground. We then walk down the halls in silence.
       I go into my class and wave bye to Michael and he does the same. I walk to my seat and sit down. The two girls that sit behind learned to whisper like pros so I sit in silence. I look at my hands and think about last night. I smirk and slightly graze my finger tips on my lips. I think about the kiss that happened in that park. That night had to be the best night of my life. The bell rings and sends me out of my trance and the teacher starts to talk about today's lesson.
Michael's P.O.V
    I walk into class and sit in my normal spot. "So?" Calum asks as soon as I sit down.
"So what?" I ask.

"What did you and Am do at the park." Luke says while wiggling his eyebrows.

"None of your damn business." I say with sass.

"Just tell us." Calum wines.

"No. I'm not telling you."

"Why not." Luke and Calum wine.

"Because it's none of your damn business that's why."

"Come on it's not like we're going to tell anyone." Calum says like it's the most obvious thing ever.
    The bell rings and I lean towards them. "I'll tell you later if you stop with the whining." They nod and face forward to where the teacher is beginning the lesson.
Amarina's P.O.V
    I walk to my locker to drop off my stuff and retrieve my lunch. I open my locker and put my books inside it. A pencil falls out so I bend down to pick it up and I fall on my ass to sound of my locker being slammed shut. "Hey there loser." Kylee says looking down at me. I get up and dust myself off. "Can I please get to my locker?" I say reaching for the handle. Kylee kicks my shin which makes my hands fly to my shin. "No not until I get my revenge on what you did to my car."
"How....How did you know it was me?" I say with a shaky voice.

"Please I heard you and Michael talking."

"Well you deserved it." I mumble.

"What was that?" She says.

"I said that you deserved it." I say louder.
    I stay quiet and she drags me by my shirt collar into the bathroom. She holds me by collar as she runs the sink. "You have 5 seconds to take it back or your head is going in the sink." I look at the sink that's full of water. When I go to take it back my face makes contact with the water. I try to push myself out but Kylee pushes me further and harder into the sink. I start inhaling the water and cough. Soon I can't breath and I can hear muffled words. My eyes start closing and within a second everything goes dark.
     I wake up coughing out water while trying to catch my breath. Someone pats my back to help get the water out. I wipe my mouth once I believe I have all the water out of my lungs. My breathing is unsteady and I my heart beat is pounding like a drum. I gulp and look to my right. I see a girl with brown\red hair and green eyes. "T-thank you." I say shakily. She gives me a smile. "Well we don't want someone dying now do we?"
"Well I guess your one of the few people that would actually try and help me."
    She stands up and reaches out her hand. "Come on let's go have the last 10 minutes of lunch." I take her hand and she helps me up. "What's your name?" she asks. "Amarina." She smiles and says "I'm Geordie."
We walk out of the bathroom and head to lunch.
    Geordie and I walk into the lunch room while she talks about something that happened to her in health. I see Luke, Calum and the back of Michael's head. I walk towards them and Geordie follows me. I didn't bring my lunch because after that near death experience I wasn't feeling so well or hungry. I sit down and the boys get concerned looks on their faces. "Am are you okay?" Luke asks.
"Ya your all wet and pale." Calum says.
"What happened?" Michael asks.
"Um.......Kylee tried to drown me in a sink in the bathroom and I went unconscious. Then Geordie saved me." I say pointing to her who is next to me.
    She perks her head out and waves. "Its been a while hasn't it?" She says with a chuckle. The boys all nod. "Wait you guys know each other?" I ask. Luke and Calum nod. "Um....Geordie is my ex girlfriend." Michael says while scratching the back of his neck. "Oh.....I didn't know I'm sorr-" "it's fine Am. We're friends now it's fine." Michael says.
"Well um.....I'm going to sit over there by my other friends so I'll talk to you later Amarina." Geordie says pointing to a group of girls.
   She then gets up and goes to sit with the group of girls. Which leaves the boys and I in awkward silence. Calum clears his throat. "So why did you almost die from drowning?" He asks. "Kylee heard me and Mikey talking about last night and how we egged her car and she said that it was pay back." Michael clenches his fist and his face starts to turn red. "Michael stay calm." Luke says. "How can I when a fucking bitch almost dorwns the girl I'm-" he stops mid sentence. "I'm just very upset that your being treated this way. I don't want to see anything get any worse." I nod and so do the other boys. I don't say anything about what he was going to say but last time I did that we ended up fighting about it. So I leave it be. "Am are you sure your feeling okay?" Luke asks. "I'm not sure really, but as long as nothing else happens today I should be fine." I lie. I feel like I'm going to hurl, but I don't want them worrying. Lunch gets over with and we all head to our classes.
    I go to my locker and grab my backpack from my locker while shoving books inside it. The light in the hallway becomes darker and I look up and see two tall boys towering over me. I continue packing my stuff up but one of them pulls it out of my hand. "Hey give it back!" I say to them and they just laugh. "What are you going to do about it shorty? You gonna kick me and call me a meany?" He laughs. I glare and jump up to get my bag. I mean I am short. I'm only about 5'1 or 5'2. I keep trying to get it but he just lifts it up higher. "Give it back you asshole." I say sternly. "What did you just call me?"
"I...I...I." I stutter.
"Y- you just what? You just wanted to say that your a short, ugly ass faggot?"
     I step back from them and put my back up against my locker. "You know what your parents are faggots so I guess that means that you are too." He laughs. "How do you know I have two dads?" They both laugh to each other. "Are you kidding the whole school knows. Ever since that thing that happened this morning." I then recall what my dads did this morning. Thanks a lot dads. I think to myself. "So are you going to confess that your a faggot or are we going to have to make you?" I gulp and I can feel my face flush even more. "I guess we're going to make you." He says while taking ahold of my wrist while the other boy hold my backpack. I try to make him let go but his grip is too tight and he's too strong. He raises his hand like he's about to slap me but then I hear a voice say "leave her alone you dick!"
     I notice that it's Michael. I shake my head at him but he stands his ground. "What did you say?" The tall boy that has ahold of my wrist says. "I said leave her alone you dick." Michael says very angry. "Oh ya and what if I don't ass wipe?" Michael stays silent. "That's what I thought." The boy then slaaps me across the face which sends me to the ground. I cup my cheek as I feel tears start to form. "You don't ever EVER hit a girl you fucker!" I hear Michael scream. I pear up and see Michael punch the boy in the face which wasn't the smartest thing to do. The next thing I know is Michael has a bloody nose and I'm standing up. "Leave him alone!" I shout. "Do you wanna get smacked again?" He asks me. Michael just stands there being held by his collar shaking his head. "You can hit me as much as you want just leave him alone." I say with a tear trickle down my cheek. "Wow. Your little girlfriend here has more balls than you do Clifford. Fine I'll let him go." I nod quickly and he let's go of Mikey. Then the next thing I know is that I'm back on the ground with a sore cheek and tears falling down my cheeks. Then my bag full of books hits my side "see you tomorrow faggot." The boys says.
        I sit up and wipe the tears away. "You okay Am." Luke asks. "Luke I'm crying and I just got slapped twice do you think I'm okay?" He looks down at his knees which he's sitting on. "Where's Mikey?" I ask. "Calum took him to the nurse who I'm surprised is still here. I'm sure he'll be fine. He probably just has a bloody nose and maybe a small cut here and there but he should be fine." I nod and Luke helps me up. "Here I'll walk you home." He says. I nod and he walks me out the front doors to my house.
    I look in my bathroom mirror and see a very bruised cheek. I touch it and it hurts like hell. Luke comes in with some ice in a plastic bag and hands it to me. "The guys should be over here soon. Am you look really pail maybe you should go lie down.' I nod and walk into my bedroom and lay down on my bed. "Luke can you hand me that trash can from over there?" I ask pointing to the small trash can in the corner of my room. He obliges and brings it over to me. "Where's your dads? I though you said it was their day off?" "They decided to text me and tell me that they're having a very long date and won't get back till late." He nods and sits on my floor. We stay in silence and wait for the boys to get here.
    There's a knock at the door minutes later. Luke gets up and goes to answer. I close my eyes and almost fall asleep when I hear footsteps. "Sorry we didn't mean to wake you up. You doing okay?" Ashton says. "No I wasn't asleep and ya I'm fine? How's Michael?" I ask. "Michael is fine he just got a bloody nose is all. The guy didn't hit him too hard and he only got hit once so he should be fine." Luke says. "He's downstairs. Do you want him to come up and talk to you?" Ashton asks. I nod and both Luke and Ash run to go get Michael.

     I close my eyes feeling a bit tired and slowly start to drift off to sleep. Then I feel my bed dip and a pair of arms wrap around me. I open my eyes and look up to see Michael looking like a dork with tissue stuffed up his nose. I give a small smile and he returns one. I flip my body over so then I can wrap my arms around him. I burry my head into his chest. "Thank you Michael for trying to help me." He laughs and says "it's the least I could do and thank you for being brave." "Only for you Mikey, only for you?" I say with a smile. He kisses the top of my head and I feel my cheeks heat up. Then I feel a non pleasurable feeling. I quickly sit up and vomit in the garbage can. I feel my hair being pulled back as I keep going.
    After a good 15 minutes I stop. Cal and Luke come upstairs and see that I got sick. "Cal take her in the bathroom to brush her teeth. I'll take Michael downstairs to hang out with me and Ashton." Luke says. Calum nods and takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom.
     I come downstairs in sweat pants and a T-shirt and see all the boys on the couch. I sit down in between Michael and Luke as they watch a movie. I cuddle up next to Michael and he wraps his arm around me. He has those dorky looking tissue out of his nose and I give a small smile. As the movie progresses I soon fall asleep.
    I wake to the sound of my front door opening. I jump and so do the other boys. I guess we all fell asleep. "Koala bear why are a bunch of boys sleeping on our couch?" My dad Ryan says. "I got hurt at school and I got sick and they stayed with me." I yawn as do all the boys. "Amarina you know that it's 10:30 right? These boys need to get home. I hope that you told your parents that you were staying here for a while." They all nod while some rub their eyes. "Okay well boys get home and Amarina go up to bed." I nod and say bye to the boys and they say goodbye back. "Amarina go to bed you have dress rehearsal tomorrow. So go to sleep and we can give you some medicine before we leave for work tomorrow okay?" I nod and head straight up to my room.

A/N I'm sorry I took so long to update. I've had writer's block for a while so that's kinda why. I'm sorry if that the last part sucked/ was like a dumb fan fic moment I wrote the end at like 2 am bc I love you guys. I hope this was good. Don't pay attention to the grammar mistakes it's late and my brain is mush.

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