Chapter 28

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Amarina's P.O.V
         I'm in a baggy sweatshirt with leggings on as I walk through the airport. The clock on my phone says that it's 6:10 in the morning. My dads are helping me get my passport as I try and stay awake. Which is hard to do when you stay up till 2:00 in the morning. My dad hands me my passport. "Now don't loose it, or you won't be able to come back home." He says. I nod and wheel my suitcase behind me to go sit down.
"I'm going to go get a coffee. Ryan you want one?" My dad shakes his head no.

"I need one." I say rubbing my eyes.
           My dad leaves to go get coffee. "Did you turn in all of your work?" He asks and I nod in response. "All of it?" He asks. "Yes dad all of it. I didn't want to be doing work while my friends have fun." I say yawning after. Minutes later my other dad comes back with coffee. He hands me one and I instantly start drinking it. My tounge is probably going to be burned, but at least I'll be awake to feel it.
         They call for my plane to start boarding. I get up and hug my dads goodbye. "Call when you land okay?" I nod and give them one last hug before I get on the plane.
          After a twenty hour flight I finally end up in Miami. I get off the plane and go into the airport to grab my suitcase. Once I'm at baggage claim I hear my name being called. "Amarina!" I hear someone yell. I turn my head for a second and don't see anyone. Must be in my mind. I say in my mind. I see my bag and quickly grab it. "Amarina!" I hear again. I turn my head from where I hear it and see Calum. A giant smile appears on his face. He waves for some people to come with him. Behind him are the boys and I practically run to them.
         I've missed them more than anything. Not seeing my best friends for over two or three months is too hard. Once I get a few feet in front of them they all put me into a group hug. As I'm surrounded by my best friends and boyfriend, I pull down my sleeves since they were bunching up. They let me out of the group hug and take me outside.
         Michael holds my hand as we walk outside following the boys. "The bus is over here. This is going to be awesome." Calum says excited. I follow them to their bus. "I missed you." Michael says and I smile. "I missed you and the boys." I say still smiling. He pulls me closer to him as we follow the boys to the bus.
        We get to the bus and they show me where I can put my things. I stick my suitcase and backpack in this weird shelf thing. "Okay so either you can have your own bunk or share one with Michael." Luke says.
"I'll probably do both."

"Alright well we get to do some fun stuff so we won't get board while your here. You get to see us play a show too." Calum says laying on the couch.

"That's cool." I say sitting on Calum's legs.
          He let's out a groan and shoves me off of him. "Abuse!" I laugh and shout at the same time. "Shut up." He laughs. "Am I have a surprise for you." Michael says standing in the doorway of the backroom. He scratches the back of his neck nervously. I get up and follow Michael to his bunk. He pulls out a small bag, like the kind they use for gift bags at a birthday party. Michael hands it to me and I look inside. Their EP and a small stuffed animal cat in inside it. "Thanks Mikey. I feel bad I didn't get you anything." I say going to put it in my bag. "You being here is the best gift ever." He says with a smile. I blush and put the small gift bag in my bag. That is if I can fit it inside of it.
         I sit on the couch with Calum after I shove the gift bag in my bag. "So what's going on back home?" Luke asks sitting on the other couch. Oh you know everyone hates me. I almost killed myself and nobody is helping me. Just the usual. "Nothing really." I lie. Michael grabs my hand and puts his head on my shoulder. I just smile. "Okay you can go be a couple in your bunk." Calum says pointing to the beds. "We're holding hands Cal." Michael says.
"Still we want to talk to Am and we can't do that when your all couplely." He says with a disgusted face.

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