Chapter 26

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1 week later *might trigger*
Amarina's P.O.V
I go up to Geordie in the hall to see if she wanted to hang out after school. She's by her locker with nobody near her so nobody will do anything. "Hey Geordie."
"Hey." She says with no emotion.

"Do you maybe want to hang out after school?"

"I can't I'm going somewhere with my parents after school."

"Oh okay." I say walking away.
I go to make my life less of a living hell. This project in my hand will make that happen. In less than five minutes I'll be left alone. I get into the classroom and the other two people in my group are here. They walk up to me once I'm at my desk. "The project done?" The girl asks. I nod and she writes her name under mine. The boy writes his name under hers. "Okay, just hand in the project." She says. I know it's not the right thing to do, but it will make my life better. Hopefully. So I turn it in giving them some of my credit.
The rest of class we just read some Romeo and Juliet exerts. Which is very boring in my opinion. "Alright so we have an assembly for last hour. So you get to miss that hour for today." Everyone gets excited and I just stay calm.
I walk to the assembly by myself. Everyone just ignores me. I guess the project did work. Once I walk through the door to the gym I sit down on the bleachers. A teacher walks up to the microphone in the middle of the gym. "Alright simmer down. Hello we have come here to celebrate, some of our sports that are going to their championships." The whole gym cheers and claps. He goes on and on about some stuff about test scores and some more about sports. Which is practically the most boring thing ever. Why would I want to listen to anything about stuff I give zero shits about?
"Now the 11 year class president, Geordie will share a few words with you."
The whole gym claps as she walks to the microphone with note cards. She taps the microphone and clears her throat. "Hello. I would like to share a few words about a certain student." She looks at the note cards and back up. "Amarina, who was new this year. There may be some things you don't know about her. She is a what some people say a slut. Excuse my language." Everyone laughs except me. The teachers are confused on what's going on. "She is trash and the worst looking person ever. Says one person who I was told not to say their name. She is the dumbest and the biggest cry baby in the universe." Everyone just laughs and it brings tears to my eyes. Geordie looks in my direction as she speaks. The teachers finally take the microphone away.
"What is wrong with you children?!"

"Nothing! It's that girl that's the problem!" Someone shouts.
I've had enough of all of this so I run out. As I press the door I assume people know it's me and start to laugh. By the time I'm out of the gym tears run faster down my face. Why would she say this? I thought that we were friends. She probably only talked to me to figure all this about me and to tell lies. I think as I run to grab my stuff to leave. "Amarina!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and I see Geordie through tears. "Why would you do that?! I thought we were friends?!" I scream. "We are you don't understand I-"
"I understand completely! Everyone hates me! I should've know that you do too!" I yell.
She doesn't say anything so I go grab my stuff from my locker. "I'm sorry." She says. I let out a breath while I open my locker. "No your not. Nobody is sorry for what they've done to me." I say with a few tears staining my cheeks. Geordie turns around and walks away. I continue packing my homework in my backpack. Once all of my stuff is in my backpack I go up the stairs to the roof of the school.
The wind hits my face once I open the door. The door shuts behind me as I walk onto the roof. I put my backpack on the ground and walk to the ledge. Tears are still on my face as I stand there looking down. "I'm making their wishes come true." I whisper to myself with a cracked voice. This ledge will help me escape. Will tell me that I'm not a mistake. I go to jump, but my phone rings. Deciding that I should answer it since it will be the last person I ever speak to. "Hello?" I say with a cracked voice.
"Am you should be out of school right?" Michael says.

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