Chapter 16

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Amarina's P.O.V
          Friday. It's finally the first competition. I'm in the changing room putting on my jazz costume which is multi colored top and a black bottom unitard with a half of a tutu in the back. Once I put on my head piece I start doing my make up like everyone else's. I start applying all this pointless shit to my face. Why the fuck do I have to wear this shit? It's not like it's going to make my dancing better. I keep applying this to my face and once I'm done I look at it. I shrug thinking that it could be worse.
         Some of the other girls start practicing the routine so I decide to join them. We mini move everything since the room is small. We all take a small break and my phone starts ringing. I grab it and I see Michael's face pop up on my screen. I swipe to answer the call.
"Hey you guys here?"
"Yes we're here."
"Okay have you paid to get in yet?"
"Yes we have. Someone said that I have to turn off my phone. Bye and good luck."
"GOOD LUCK AM!!" I hear Luke and Calum yell along with Ashton's giggle.
     I laugh and say bye and thank you. Michael hangs up and I turn off my phone and hear the teacher say to run through the routine again. We run through it a few more times until we have to go on stage.
Michael's P.O.V
         I hop in the front seat of Ashton's car. "Off to go get Calum and Luke." He says and pulls out of my drive way.
      We go to pick up Calum and Mali is screaming at him as he walks out the door. She slams the front door and Calum gets in the car and let's out a groan. "You okay there Cal?" Ashton teenage girl giggles out. "Ya." He sighs and buckles his seat belt. Ashton pulls out and we head to pick up Luke. "What's the matter with Mali?" I ask. "She got upset because I was doing laundry and I ruined her favorite shirt by accident." Ashton and I just laugh as he drives to Luke's place.
       After we drive by a few neighborhoods we get to Luke's house. We park in the drive way and honk the horn. Luke walks out but only gets a few feet away from the door until his mom is in the doorway talking to him. He chats with her and she kisses him on the cheek. Luke rushes to the car and hops in shutting the door behind him. "Mate what was your mom talking about?"
"She just wanted to know where we were going." Luke says as Ashton drives off.
"Well what did you say?" Calum giggles.
      Luke looks at Calum with a very displeasing stare. "I said that we were going to watch Am dance. Then she said bye kissed my cheek. Then I said by mommy." Calum and I are currently dying of laughter and Luke just looks really angry. "Dude you are such a fucking mama's boy." I say while laughing my ass off. Luke just glares while saying "Am not." "Whatever you say." Ashton says between laughs.
          We get to the building and Ashton parks the car. All of us get out of the car and go into the building. We get into line and to pay the entrance fee. After about five people I pay and so do the rest of the boys. I go sit in the middle section and Luke, Calum and Ashton follow me. We all talk about what song to cover next and as we talk I remember that I told Am that we would call her when we got here. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and click on her contact. It rings then I hear her pick up.
"Hey you guys here?" She asks.
"Yes we're here."
"Have you paid to get in yet?"
"Yes we have." Then I hear someone say to start turning off our phones. "Someone said that I have to turn my phone off. Bye and good luck." I say.
       Luke and Calum then decide to yell "GOOD LUCK AM!!" along with Ashton giggling like an idiot. She says bye and thank you then hangs up. Which leaves us in the now dark auditorium waiting for Am to come out on stage.
Amarina's P.O.V
         I'm waiting to go out on stage with the other four girls. The group on stage does their ending pose and all I can hear is clapping. The announcer says our dance company and the name of our routine as soon as the other group leaves the stage. The blonde in front of me travels to the stage by doing a sashay and doing two back hand springs as soon as the music (The other side by: Jason Derulo) starts. I follow behind her by doing a side jeté, a sashay and finally do an arabesque. I do my pose and wait till the other three girls come on.
            Once everyone is on we all start off by doing a chene (I don't know how to spell that and I'm in dance that's sad) and drop into a roll. We ripple as we turn our heads turn to the beat. We stand up after a few more moves and I move to the front by doing peekays and go into fuetés along with a dark haired girl. After my last fueté  I go into a triple pirouette. I continue with leaps, turns and other movements.
          Before I know it I'm in my ending pose with the other girls and we run off stage. Once we're off we head back to the changing room. When we are through the door all five of the girls start getting all excited and I stay neutral. I weave my way through the girls but one of them grabs my wrist and embraces me in a hug. I crawl out of her grip and grab my hip hop costume. I slip into a black tank top with black dance shorts over my tan tights. I put the light neon green sweatshirt along with matching leg warmers. I finish it off with my black convers and walk out from behind the changing curtain and see all the guys in my dance. Alex, Carter, Jason and Brad are all in their MC hammer pants and neon green t-shirts that says Dubstep in graffiti writing. Carter waves for me to come over so I do so.
"You nervous?" He asks me.

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