Chapter 11

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Amarina's P.O.V
          I open my eyes slowly to the light peering threw the window. I look over to see what time it is. 10:26 a.m. Well I guess I should get up. I think to myself. I rub the sleep from my eyes and climb out of bed. I walk downstairs to see my dads making breakfast.
"Oh Hello. Did you sleep good?"
"Uh ya."
"Well dad is making pancakes. It should only take a couple more minutes till they're ready."
      I nod and go back upstairs to get dressed. I grab my blink 182 t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I slip them on and go brush my hair which is pointing in all different directions. I brush my hair along with my teeth and head downstairs. I smell the fluffy pancakes and I slide across the wooden floor in my socks to the table. My dad places some on my plate and I grab the syrup and pour it on them. I shove them in my face because I'm super hungry.
         I keep eating until I hear my phone ring. I grab it out of my pocket to see Aaron's contact pop up. I answer it and go upstairs.
"Hey." He says back.
"So I was wondering...... If maybe you'd like to go to the park today?"
"As in like a date?"
"Yes as in a date."
"Well what time?"
"How about 1ish?"
"Sounds good."
"Okay see you at 1." He says then hangs up immediately.
      That was weird. I think to myself. My dad calls my name and I walk down the stairs. They are drinking their coffee and look at me. "Who were you talking to koala bear?" I roll my eyes at the nickname my dad has for me. "Just a boy dad." They both get a smug grin on their faces. "Is this boy by chance a boyfriend?" My jaw drops at his words. "God no. He's just a friend dad. He just wanted to see if I wanted to go to the park with him." My dads look at each other with the same grins on their faces.
"Whatever you say."
        I then plop myself on the couch and turn on the TV. I flip through the channels until I stop at a reality show. Once I set the remote down my phone vibrates. I take it out of my pocket and see that Michael texted me.
Mikey: what are you doing later??

Me: at 1 I have a date. Other than that I'm free.

Mikey: well me, Calum and Luke were going to go swim at Calum's later. You can come by after your date if you want.

Me: sure. I gtg bye.

Mikey: bye
        I set my phone down and continue watching TV. I check the time just to make sure. 11:45. Not that bad. I don't think I need to do anything besides put on my shoes. So I think I'm okay with time, but I should go find my swimsuit for later. I then run up the stairs to find my bikini.
       I dig through my drawers and find the top. I dig a little deeper and deeper each time and finally find the bottom. I shove both parts in a small bag along with a towel. Even though it's like February here it's still warm enough to go swimming which is why I love this place. Minus the fact that most of the people here hate me, but weekends here aren't so bad. Considering that I'm away from school where nobody beats the crap out of me and tells me to kill myself.
      I put my phone and a charger in the bag as well. Once I have everything I need I walk downstairs with my bag. I sit back down on the couch and wait till 1 o'clock to come around.
       I hear a knock on the door. I get up off the couch and go to open the door. Once I open it I see Aaron with a smile on his face. "Hey. You ready to go?"
"Ya just let me get my bag."
       I go to the couch and grab my bag and walk back over to the door. I yell bye to my parents and walk out the door.
"To the park?" I say.
"To the park."
        We then walk to the nearest park. We make small talk and I laugh at a few things and he does the same. I can see the park from where we are and it seems we only have a couple blocks to go. I pick up my pace and so does Aaron.
        Once we are at the park I rush to the swings. I hop on one and start to swing. Aaron follows and gets on one himself.
"So what's with the bag?"
"Oh I'm going to my friend Calum's house after this. They asked me if I wanted to come over later and I told them I would."
"Well I can certainly walk you to his house if it's not that far away... If you want?"
       We keep swinging and talking about whatever comes to our minds. I slowly start to stop my swing and once it gets slow enough I get off. Aaron does the same and we walk on the side walk. We talk about music and friends and pretty much anything that could come to mind.
"Do you play any sports?" He asks me.
"I do dance"
"That's not a sport."
"Yes it is."
"No it's not."
"It's a sport."
"Prove to me that it is."
       "Fine." I say while I shove my bag into his chest. "Watch this and tell me that this doesn't count as a sport." I then walk a little ways and then I stop. I go into a hand stand and start walking. After a while my arms feel like they're going to give out so I stop. "Still not a sport?!" I yell at him as he starts walking towards me. "Alright alright I guess I was wrong. I can't even do that." "Damn right. I feel like I have noodles as arms now." He gives a small laugh and I take my bag. "I bet. You walked a long ways. Do you wanna go get some ice cream?"
       I give a nod and we walk to go get some ice cream.
Michael's P.O.V
       Calum, Mali, Luke and I are all outside in Calum's pool. Luke floats in his floaty and Calum and Mali are jumping in over and over again. I hear someone knock on the door and I quickly get out of the pool to answer it. I walk inside and go to the door. I open it and see Amarina...... and Aaron. Oh great he's here. Just who I wanted to see today. God he's such a dick. Why does Am even like him? I think to myself.
"Hey Am." I say with a smile.
"Hi Mikey. Oh thanks Aaron for walking me here."
"No problem. I'll call you later okay?" He says with a fake smile.
"Okay." She says and walks inside as soon as he walks away.
       She asks where the bathroom is and I tell her where. She then rushes over to it and I can hear the door close. I walk back outside to where I find Calum and Mali laughing and Luke looking pissed next to his floaty. I get back in and wait for Am to come outside.
       I'm still upset about her and Aaron. I was hoping that it was a different guy she was going out with, but nope fucking Aaron. She doesn't realize that he's such a dick. That's all he ever is. God I hate that kid. So fucking much. I think to myself.
      Amarina walks out the door in a blue two price bathing suit. Wow she looks...... hot wait no.... beautiful. "Mali this is Amarina. Amarina this is my sister Mali." Calum says. "Hi." Am says and Mali returns one as well. Amarina climbs in the pool and comes near me. I do have to say that she's really beautiful and I hope Aaron doesn't treat her like shit. I think to myself.
      Mali climbs out to go get something and we are all left outside. Luke is back in his floaty and Calum is jumping into the pool for what seems the 20th time. Am is just standing in the pool looking a bit awkward. I swim a bit closer to her.
"So how'd your date go?" I ask.
"It was good I guess." She says shrugging.
"You guess?" She then nods with an awkward smile.
"I need a definite answer Am." I say with a smile.
"And what if I don't give you one?" She say with a smile.
"You'll see if you don't give me a definite answer in 10 seconds."
       She stays quiet as I count down from 10. She has a slight smirk on her face and says "it was good...... I guess." I then pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She yells at me to put her down but I refuse. I walk over to the side of the pool. She hits my back and I set her down but still locked in my arms. I scoop her up bridal style.
"1......" "Michael don't you dare." "2..........." "Michael I swear to-" As I say three I throw her in with me following. She comes back up seconds later and so do I Luke and Calum are laughing their asses off. Mali is standing by the door and has a small smile.
"Your a dick Michael." Amarina yells at me.
"Hey at least I'm not as big of a dick as....... Never mind."
"Your not as big of a dick as who?" Am asks me.
"I said never mind."
"You can't just start saying something and then deny it. Who Michael?"
"God Am I said never mind. Can you just leave it alone."
"No. I'm curious to who you were talking about." She says with a pissed look.
       I then get so pissed I say something that I regret. "You are! God your so fucking annoying!" Her face flushes to white and she starts to get out. "Am I didn't mean to say that. I just-" "just what Michael?" She says with a hurt look. I look at my hands. "That's what I thought." She then goes inside and I hit the water that splashes into Calum's face.
"Michael. You messed up big time." Luke says.
"I need to go talk to her." I say.
"No Michael. I'm going to go talk to her. You stay out here. Leave your girlfriend alone for a while." Says Mali.
      My eyes go big at what Mali said. Does she really think that we're dating? Before I can correct her she's inside.



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