Chapter 33

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Michael's P.O.V
I walk into the hospital and go to the front desk. "What room is Amarina Lee in?" I ask the lady at the front desk. "Third floor fifth door on the left." She tells me and I thank her. I'm so glad she's okay. When she called me my heart stopped and I thought she was gone. I step into the elevator and click the number three button. A little girl and her mom quickly steps into the elevator. "Four please." The little girls mom says.
"But mummy I wanted to press the button."

"You can press it." I say to the little girl.
She becomes all smiles and presses the number four. "Thank you." Her mothers says taking her daughters hand. "No problem. I was like that when I was little." I say and she nods in agreement. "Are you here to see someone?" She asks me and I nod.
"Ya my girlfriend."

"That's sweet. We're here to see my mother."

"That's nice."
The elevator dings and I wave goodbye to the little girl and her mom. When I step out I go straight to Amarina's room. I pass the four doors on the left and find the room. I open the door and find her standing on a chair with a piece of cloth around her neck. She's crying and just as she kicks the chair I catch her in my arms.
"Am what're you doing?!"

"I-I want to go to Neverland." She crys.

"What do you mean?"

"Neverland is where kids go when they die. It's my better place. It's where I'll be happy. Please just let me do this." She breaks down and trys to escape my grasp.
She attempts to get on the chair, but I don't let her. Amarina is almost throwing a tantrum because I won't let her commit suicide. It must be worse than she said. I feel terrible. I should have made her told me everything. I think as I pull her off the chair again. "Nurse!" I scream and seconds later a nurse comes running in. She tells me to hold her close to me as she goes to run and get some medication. "Amarina calm down." I say trying to sooth her. "No! Let me go!" She cries as she fights me. "No! If I let you go then you'll miss out on everything!" I yell at her as she trys to fight out of my grip. "No I won't!"

"Yes you will! You'll miss out on us getting famous! You'll miss out on your parents wedding! If I let you go then we will never have a chance! We won't have a chance to get married or to have kids or anything! You'll be gone!"
She must be getting tired from all the fighting. So instead she just cries in my lap. The nurse comes back in with the medication. "Thank god. She did this this morning too. Poor girl." She walks over to us and gives Am the medication. Amarina just takes it and doesn't do anything. "Babe you have to take it. It'll make it better. I promise. Just take it." I plead but she shakes her head no. "Amarina give me the pills. Can you put her in the bed?" She tells Am and I. Amarina gives her the pills and I put her in the hospital bed. She seems so light and fragile. It just makes me upset that she's so broken right now.
"I'll put her pills right here. Try and get her to take them. I need to put a bottles in here, but I need to go get them. I'll be back." The nurse says walking out.
I try and get her to take the medication, but she doesn't. She isn't crying anymore or trying to do anything. She just sits there with the pills in her hand. Nothing else happens. "Michael?" She croaks. "Ya babe?" I ask her back. "Is it okay to feel empty inside? Like your just a black hole?" She turns her head to look at me. "I-I don't know. I'm sure if you take those pills that feeling will go away." I say and she looks at her hand. Amarina nods and finally takes them. After she takes them she chugs the entire glass of water.
"I love you Michael. Thank you."

"I love you too. Your welcome. I just want to see you get better."

"I want to get better too."
She scoots over in the bed and pats the bed. I lay down with her in the hospital bed that smells kinda like rubber. Amarina cuddles up to me and I wrap an arm around her. All I want is for her to get better. If that means forcing her to take her medication then I'll help.

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