Questions 29-32

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Me: Ok I got questions from blackmagik4. Hinata, Gaara, Ino, and Orochimaru are here with me. First up is Gaara, Ok so I' m going to give you a nickname. Which would you prefer? Panda- Chan or Raccoon Man?

Gaara: *sighs* Is it so hard to call me by my name or lord Kazekage?

Me: Yes *giggles* Now answer~

Gaara: *sighs again*....Panda-Chan, Raccoon Man makes me sound like a half breed..

Me: True true, you can go now.

Gaara: *leaves*

Me: Next is Hinata, Why do you like Naruto? He likes Sakura, He doesn't like you. Maybe you go after other people. Such as Gaara or Kiba...

Hinata: W-Well, I'm not in love with Gaara-Sama or Kiba-Kun. I've loved Naruto ever since he saved me when we were younger and I-I've always looked up to him. E-Even if Nar-Naruto-Kun does love someone else, I'll always love him.

Me: Awwww~ cute ^_^ plus Sakura has Sasuke and you haven't really gotten to talk to Naruto since you told him you loved him.

Hinata: *blushes and nods*

Me: Thanks for answering Hinata, your free to go.

Hinata: *nods and leaves*

Me: Next is Ino, WHY YOU NO DATE CHOJI!?!?!?!

Ino: *blushes* Don't be ridiculous! Choji is my friend but I love Sasuke-Kun!

Me: -_-

Ino: This is just like that talk I had with my dad..

Me: NO! OUT! I don't want to be reminded of your nakedness! That was a horrible part of the episode! >.<

Ino: *rolls eyes and leaves*

Me: Okie dokie, Orochimaru you were asked, Why do you like little boys? Do you rape them like the Kool- Aid Man?

Orochimaru: It's not my fault I attract the younger crowed ;D

Me: *randomly throws up*

Orochimaru: I don't rape my bodies by the way, they are vessels and nothing more. However if I had that Itachi I'd-


Orochimaru: *chuclkes evilly and leaves*

Me: *eye twitches* Well hope that answered your questions.

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