Questions 144-147

216 6 4

Me: MORE LE QUESTIONS!!! These are from Retarded_Panda first up is Deidara:  How did you feel when your Danna (Sasori) died? Did you go sulk in a corner or something? P.S You're sexy xD AND I LOVE YOU. YOU'RE MY WALLPAPER. I IS A TOTAL FANGIRL FOR YOU ~

Deidara: Pft. Nothing like that, at first I was pissed off because I was in a tight spot and he didn't take down the old lady or weak pink haired girl! HM! Then I realized I just proved I'm the better artist. I died by suicide and he died by being defeated in battle un.

Me:....Ok then? You also have another question from this person: I actually agree with you on your view of art. It should be fleeting :3 Like how I throw my drawings away right after I finish them xP So... WILL YOU MARRY ME? WE CAN BLOW UP THE WORLD TOGETHER xD Don't mind my fangirl mood ._.

Deidara: THANK YOU! Finally I get to meet more people that understand my art un. Art is more of a bang than a drawing, try blowing up your drawings instead of throwing them away otherwise they're still pretty much in this world. Marriage?? Umm....I don't know who you are un but we can go on a date.

Me: *emo corner* I lost both the guys I like's ok though..I'm not pretty enough to have a guy like me back..even if it is a fictional character...*sulking*

Tenten: I'm saying the remaining questions while Lizzie-Chan sulks, Hinata is trying to cheer her up.

Hinata: Th-There there Lizzie-Chan i-it's alright.


Tenten: This one is for Sasori: Don't you get tired saying brat ._. ?.

Sasori: It's not like I call everyone a brat, just Deidara, and no, it's practically his name now.

Tenten: This one is for Pein: CAN I JOIN THE AKATSUKI? x3

Pein: What are your skills? I'll think about it.

Tenten: Hope that helps, feel free to ask more questions anytime ^_^

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