Questions 4-5

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Me: Awesome! More questions! :D Ok this first one is for the star, Naruto. Naruto! You got a question~!

Naruto: *runs in* Alright! What's it say??

Me: Well first of all it's from KillerOfHappyness's sister, and she asks: why are you chasing sasuke down? Why don't you just get someone else to do it? She also apparently doesn't know much about the show so care to explain Naruto?

Naruto: Sure that's an easy one. Sasuke and me are best friends and teamates. He's like a brother to me. I'm chasing him down so Orochimaru doesn't just use him and I want to help him. I'd rather bring Sasuke back myself than to wait for someone else to do it for me.

Me: *claps* Great speech Naruto ^_^

Naruto: Thanks =^_^=

Me: Your welcome, can you send Gaara in next please?

Naruto: Sure *walks out*

Gaara: *comes in*

Me: *holds in a fangirl squeal* H-Hi Gaara.

Gaara: *nods* Calienia. So what's this about?

Me: You got a question from KillerOfHappyness ^_^ she asks: *fan girl scream* I LOVE YOU GAARA * cough cough* anyways on with the question, are you a panda? A type of da:inosaur mabey? WHAT'S WITH THE SEXY THINGS ON YOUR EYES?!?!?! *giggles* Awww you have another fangirl ^_^

Gaara: Your one of them..

Me: O//o///O H-HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?! *sigh* Never mind answer le question.

Gaara: Simple, I wasn't able to sleep for way more than half of my life because of the one tail inside me. Like a really bad insomnia. So over time dark figures began to show around my eyes and they've been there ever since.

Me: So can you sleep now that the one tail has been removed?

Gaara: *shrugs* Old habits die hard, but maybe you or KillerOfHappyness could change that *winks*

Me: O///0///O I KNEW YOU WERE A SECRET PLAYER!!! *tries to stop blushing* Well anyways I hope that answered your questions KillerofHappyness, feel free to leave as many more as you want. There is no limit :)

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