Questions 33-34

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Me: Alright, two questions from Purplerulz257. I have Pein, Konan, and Lee here. First Pein and Konan, Why dont u jst marry each other??? U guys together are one of the best couples in the series!!! :P ^-^

Konan: Because I'm not in love with Nagato, I did love Yhiko very much though.

Nagato/Pein: It hurts us both to use Yhiko's body like this but we will take that pain and create a new world.

Me: *nods* Good luck with that, sorry for your loss..You may go.

Pein&Konan: *leaves*

Me: Ok Lee, your question is, Dont u ever get tired of Naruto calling u Bushy Brows??

Lee: *chuckles* Never! I'm glad Naruto gave me a nickname, it only means that our friendship is stronger! In fact, I shall go think of a nickname for Naruto to, starting now!

Me: *giggles* Good luck to you to Lee, hope that answered your questions ^_^

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