Questions 215-221

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Me: OKIE DOK! We has more questions :3 these are all from nany_chan04 and first up is Sasuke: What DID u mean when u said thank you to Sakura when u left Konoha?

Sasuke: *shrugs* Thank you for being my friend, thank you for taking care of me in the chunin exams, thank you for looking out for me. There are a number of reasons why I said that.

Me: Ok now Naruto: I'm not bashing on Sakura but what was so 'special' about her?? What did she have that Hinata didn't? (besides a big forehead, pink hair, and undevoped body?) again not trying to bash her.

Naruto: Lizzie-Chan....I dated Hinata AND married her from questions like this, what now?

Me: Go have a kid with Hinata and maybe they'll finally stop.

Naruto:.......I'll do it!

Me: XD Ok hold on, gotta answer the question first.

Naruto: *smiles* She's pretty in my eyes ^_^ Well....She was when I first saw her anyway when we were both really young. I just kinda convinced myself I liked her. Plus she likes Sasuke and I don't want Sasuke to feel like he's won just cause he gets Sakura =*_*=

Me: Doesn't sound like love to me...Oh well, have fun with Hinata.

Naruto: Roger!

Hinata: O/////////////////////////////O *gets dragged away by Naruto*

Me: Awww~ young love~ Ok next question is for....*shivers* Orochimaru...: stop being a sour puss. at least u came BACK to life thanks to Sasuke so he would be an awesome sanin. Oh and what's up with taking that chicks body what did she do to u?

Orochimaru: You mean the woman from the chunin exams? Doesn't matter to me, male or female. If they have strong jutsu or kekkei genkai, I'll take their body for my own~

Me: *hiding behind the couch* Ok....Next up is Minato: you're like my fav. hokage well that is until Naruto becomes sixth hokage ...anyway what would u do if Naruto time traveled back to ur time and said he was ur and Kushina -kaasan son what wouldu do BTW he would already be the sixth Hokage.

Minato: I'm not exactly sure because I wouldn't want to mess with the future by Naruto coming to the past..

Me: Don't worry Minato-San, I got this one. Watch Naruto the movie, the lost tower. I can't say Naruto is the sixth Hokage in it but he does meet Minato. Watch it and you'll have your answer ^_^ Ok this one is for all the jinchuriki: What would u do if ALL nine of u met up?

Utakata: Read on in the manga, you'll find out pretty quickly.

Me: This last one is for Pein: u say that to have true peace than they must know UR pain but Naruto-niisan was kicked out of stores when he was little, lived in a rundown apartment, got glared at, lost his parents when he was born, became a jinchuriki a couple hours after birth, lost his grandfather figure, lost his godfather, had to see a dead Gaara being used as a seat, had to attend to a dead sensei's funeral, oh and lost his 'brother' to darkness and power!!!! And u say U knew true pain!!!! ALL THAT HAPPENED BEFORE HE EVEN MET U!!!! So I say Naruto-niisan knows pain better than YOU!! What do you think??

Pein: I lived a happy life with my parents until I witnessed them being murdered RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I had to get by on my own, starving for days until I made friends. Shop keepers wouldn't let us kids buy from them so we had to steal. I found a dog and took care of him, giving him love and witnessed him die. And my best friend had me kill him in order to save mine and Konan's life.

I can no longer move my actual body thanks to my cursed eyes. My sensei I killed because I thought he was fighting for a false cause and in the end it was me who was in the wrong. It made me feel worse. I killed thousands of innocent people all because I was blinded by pain, increasing my pain even more.

I only have one friend now, Konan. Everything I ever seem to do is wrong and I continue to be fed hatred from people like you, whom I don't even know. Naruto has multiple friends, does good deeds he gets praised for, he never witnessed his parent's murders. He now gets welcomed into shops and asked for autographs.

He is known as the hero of the hidden leaf. The one that defeated the cruel heartless pain. So what do I think? My thoughts are... I wish I had met Naruto Uzumaki sooner, so he could rescue me from my path of pain. Maybe then I would of been treated the way he is to this day. Maybe I'd have more friends. I know for a fact, I'd spend some family time with my good cousin, Naruto.

Me: That's deep....hope these answered your questions! ^_^

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