Questions 44-46

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Me: Ok I have Sasuke, Sai, and Itachi here with me to answer Anime_lover003's questions. Let's rock and roll! *glares at Sasuke*  Why did you go after your brother for revenge, and leave basically the ONLY people who cared for YOU more than the WORLD? And when you found out the TRUTH about your brother WHY did you go against his FINAL wish that was for YOU and to make your life BETTER? lastly~! why were you such a douche to your friends as a kid?


Me: Doesn't sound to good when it's put into words huh duckbutt?

Sasuke: Well my entire family died! Everyone I loved! And all by the one I loved the most. After that not even a 'friend' could cheer me up. I only wanted to destroy that monster, once I found out the truth it was after I killed Itachi. The pain was even greater, it was the village hidden in the leaves that made Itachi suffer and kill our family. I have to destroy it, even if Itachi faught to protect it it's better that this doesn't happen ever again to anyone else.

Me: By destroying the village filled with innocent people? *hits his head* Naruto is gonna knock some sense into you!

Sasuke: *glares at me*

Me: *glares back* Ok next is Sai. Why do you CONSTANTLY bring up Naruto's 'junk' into the arguments you have?

Sai: Well he wouldn't of gotten as mad if I brought up his clothing style or hair instead.

Me: Good point...Ok last off is Itachi. I think your a great brother really, basically prolonging your life with medicine making you suffer. AND basically giving up your WHOLE life for him, and living it as a criminal waiting for him to kill you. How did you deal with, him hating and constantly trying to kill you? and dont you DARE say 'i killed my emotions' because no matter how HARD you try you can NEVER supress or kill EVERY SINGLE emotion. Especailly one about the person you care for the most. And lastly, why not just tell Sasuke the truth? Geez this person has good questions, that's pretty admirable. Well go ahead Itachi.

Itachi: Sasuke wouldn't have worked as hard if I told him the truth and he probably would have gone after the village at his young age when he had no chance. If he did that then my wish of leaving Sasuke alive would be down the drain. The anbu would either kill him or lock him in jail. It did hurt me to see Sasuke hate me and try to kill me, but it made me happy to see he was improving little by little. I felt I could be punished for my sins of killing my family if Sasuke were the one to kill me. I couldn't ask for a better way to die.

Me: *anime crying* So sad.. Thank you for your questions Anime_lover003, feel free to ask more.

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