Questions 163-185

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Me: O.O...Umm...Wow...This is gonna be hell to get through...Ok these questions are all from Deadlybite and first up is Konan: WHY UR TITS SO BIG?! And.......teach me origami?

Konan: *shrugs* Nature gave them to me, and or course ^_^*

Me: Next is Pein: grow some damn balls. Have you not notice that you cant FORCE PEOPLE INTO PEACE YA DAMN DILDO!!

Pein:...Was that even a question?

Me: *shrugs* Eh, people have left notes instead of questions anyway. Next is Kisame: I love you~! Your the best in the Akatsuki~! Would you train me?! I already have a katana ready! I really dont mind if I get my ass beat a few times!! And why did your dad try to eat you? Seriously he has issues~! I love your hair~! Its soooooo sexy like the rest of you~! Can we also go on a date?! Please! Thats like me whole dream~! I really didnt mind you killing that one girl that asked you out. Me being weird I thought that was sexy~! Is that a bit weird? Im sorry if it is. The past is in the past~! I only see you as you and nothing else~!

Kisame: Sure, I'll train ya. My dad is the shark side of me, he'd eat anyone. I styled my hair this way to look like a shark's fin, I know it looks good on me along with the rest of my body ;) Nah, I don't think that's weird. As for the date *shrugs* Sure.

Me: Next is Zetsu: You guys are oreos~! Total opposite of eachother! IT SEEMS LIKE U WENT INSANE ZETTY!!! Oh n um~ u guys r hot not as hot as Kisame though~! Oh n ummmm WHY U NO HELP ITACHI OUT!!!? Ya damn dick!

Zetsu: W: We didn't help out Itachi because Tobi ordered us not to. B: We were only ordered to watch and Itachi didn't want anyone interfering anyway.

Me: Now Tobi: .....can you go die in a hole? =_=* Dont even play the whole Tobi is a good boy! GOOD BOYS ARENT IN A S RANK FUCKING CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION! N why u wear a mask? Well besides ur face being all fucked up! N y kill Konan?!

Tobi: (deep voice) I refuse to die, I wear a mask to hide my true identity, and Konan gave me no choice. She wouldn't tell me where to find Nagato's eyes.

Me: Sasori and Deidara: I love you guys but seriously have you both not notice that art go both ways? Or are u guys just blind and stupid? Im an artist as well and art can be a bang and it can also last forever~! Also ask eachother out already! Saso we already know your enlarged our damn dick!

Deidara: Art is fleeting! End of story un.

Sasori: I guess it could go either way but Deidara is too stubborn to admit that *grabs Dei's chin* Isn't that right y little uke?

Deidara: Say what un?! UKE?!

Sasori: I've grown used to the idea of f***ing you sensless, it makes you look weak and that turns me on.

Deidara: HUH!?

Sasori: *kisses Deidara roughly*

Deidara: *shocked but after awhile of fighting, kisses back*

Me: *having a nose bleed and taking many pictures* I can share my Dei-Kun *takes another picture* Hidan: why are you a rapist? Seriously you have two HEADS BUT U THINK WITH ONE!!! Im very disappointed n u! AND DONT U DARE START FUCKING CUSSING ME OUT YOU LOW LIFE WALKING STD!!! I soooooo hope you ha fun getting ur ass kicked by a dear! Also~ DROP THE VAMPIRE LOOK!!! N um ur eyes r pretty n umm PUT ON A FUCKING SHIRT!!! It might get u more girls!

Hidan: *gets pissed to the extreme but Kakuzu knocks him out before he can go off*

Kakuzu: He'll forget eventually..

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