Question 9

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Me: So this next question is for two people this time. DEIDARA! SASORI! YA GOTZ A QUESTION!!!

Deidara&Sasori: *walks in*

Me: Ok so xXDanielxX asks this: are you aware that the two of you would make a freaking awesome couple and are already on of the best ships ever in the minds of many insane fangirls?

Deidara: *blushes furiously* What kind of question is that un?!

Me: *sighs* Why do you people always have to say that? It's a question from the public ok now answer!

Deidara: Yeah we're good partners hm but I haven't really thought of us like that, Sasori's more like a rival. If you've seen one of the episodes where I'm talking to Tobi about ladies you'll find I'm-

Me: At least bisexual.

Deidara: What?!

Me: Sasori what do you think?

Sasori: He's about 10-20 years younger than me and he's a brat. No I wasn't aware and my sexuality is a secret.

Me:....*whispers* Kiss him!

Sasori: What?

Me: Nothing!

Deidara: Da fuck is wrong with you?!

Me: Everything! 


Me: Oh come on you guys, everyone knows your one of the best yaoi couples in the entire show.

Deidara: Hey! What's with the picture on display?!

Me: Huh? *looks over at it* Oh that's a cute picture I found on the Internet. Gotta give the people what they want right?

Deidara: *blushing furiously*

Sasori: *emotionless*

Me: Heh heh yeah you two are an awesome couple. Anyways thanks for your question xXDanielxX! Feel free to leave more if you have any! :D

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