Questions 132-138

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Me: Alright these questions are from Angelstarfire and first up is Shika: in any occasion do you sing? And don't say no cause its to troublesome please.

Shikamaru: *shrugs* Not really, I'm just not much of a singer.

Me: Next is Deidara: is it okay to call you Dei-Dei-chan? And why do you look so adorable?~ 


Me: Might as well go with it, everyone calls you that already.

Deidara: *shrugs* I guess you can then and I guess my looks come naturally un *smirks*

Me: Better thank Kishimoto for that. Next is Sasuke: What would you found out that one of your friends was your stepsister in a hospital?

Sasuke: O.O

Me: Speechless??

Sasuke: N-No...I guess I wouldn't really believe it at first but if it were really true I'd want to go to the hospital to get to know her better.

Me: That's sweet ^_^ Next up is Neji: I saw you blushing~ from the last question. Are you denying your love for Tenten. And I won't take No for an answer..


Me: Go on.

Neji: *sighs* I guess the question surprised me and that's why I ended up blushing. I never really thought of Tenten in that way before.

Me: Buuuuut~

Neji: Well I guess I do..kinda...maybe..

Me: We're all waiting Neji, any day now.

Neji: Love her.

Me: HA ZA! >:D You finally said it! Ok next up is Tenten.

Neji: O///////O

Me: Yep, she's here. Between Shikamaru Sasuke Deidara Naruto Gaara and Neji who'd you Go on a date with?

Tenten: Deidara is my enemy so no to him, Gaara I rarely see so I wouldn't know, I'm staying away from Naruto because of the way Hinata looks at him, Sasuke I just don't understand, so between Shikamaru and Neji...Well Shikamaru is way too lazy and Neji understands me, so Neji.

Me: *plays kiss the girl*

Neji&Tenten: O/////////O

Me: Do it!

Neji&Tenten: *looks at each other*

Neji: O/////O

Tenten: *giggles and kisses Neji*

Me: YES! :D Ok next is Ino: Do you secretly like Naruto?

Ino: Ew! Sorry but Naruto is just a friend! I...I still *blushes* like Sasuke.

Me:....Ok well next up is Naruto: if your family was still alive would you still want to become Hokage ?

Naruto: Yep! Because I'd want to be just like my dad ^_^

Me: That's sweet ^_^ Well I hope that helped!

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