Questions 1-3

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Me: Ok so we have a few questions today from KillerOfHappyness. The first question is for Akamaru. Akamaru! Here boy! You got a question~!

Akamaru: *comes out barking happily*

Me: *giggles* Happy you got the first question?

Akamaru: *nods*

Me: Ok well KillerOfHappyness asks this: will you marry me? Interesting.. Well what do you think Akamaru?

Akamaru:....Bark bark bark bark. Ruf bark bark bark bark ruf ruf ruf!

(Translation: That's a little too sudden. But I wouldn't mind getting to know you on a date!

Me: You would date a human?

Akamaru: *shrugs*

Me: Ok, well said Akamaru ^_^ Could you send Sasuke in next please?

Akamaru: *nods and walks out happily*

Sasuke: *comes in* This better be good..

Me: *rolls eyes* You got a question.

Sasuke: Who's it from? *sits down on the couch*

Me: KillerOfHappyness, she asks: are you purposely gay? *cracks up laughing*

Sasuke: *blushing angrily* W-What kind of question is that?!

Me: Oh gee let's see. You turned down Sakura, Ino, and Karin, you don't seem to have a friendly bond with Anyone but Naruto sooo, you do the math.

Sasuke: *sighs* If circumstances were different I probably would like Sakura, Naruto is just my friend.

Me: Your beeest frieeeend~

Sasuke:...Ok ok..I..may be bi...

Me: I KNEW IT! I SO KNEW IT! MWAHAHAHHAHA!!! Ok now get your butt outta here. Send Neji in will ya?

Sasuke: *glares at me as he leaves*

Neji: *comes in* What's this all about?

Me: Congrats Hyuuga, you got the third question.

Neji: Who got the first two?

Me: Akamaru and Sasuke.

Neji:....I was out done by a dog and a duck?

Me: Aparently *giggles* Anyways KillerOfHappyness asks: are you gender confused? It's just the long hair and clothes...... 

Neji: *eyebrow twitches* What kind of question is that?

Me: A funny one *laughs* So answer it, are you gender confused?

Neji: Don't be ridiculous. All the Hyuuga's in my clan have long hair and I dress this way because it's comfortable and light enough for me to move faster when I use my byakugan.

Me: Cool but isn't there a ton of other things you could of worn instead?


Me: Yeah huh, that's what I thought.

Neji: *clears his throat* I simply never thought of that..

Me: *nods* Thank you for your questions KillerOfHappyness, feel free to ask more.

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