Questions 35-36

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Me: More questions to le answer! I stopped putting pictures up though cause it just takes a bunch of time that I don't really have to spare. Maybe some other time I'll put up pictures again. Anyways Sasuke and Shino get your asses out here!

Sasuke&Shino: *enter the room and have a seat*

Me: Today's questions are from KillerOfHappyness. First up is Sasuke. do you like jam or penutbutter on your toast? Ok which is it Sasuke?

Sasuke: Peanut butter, jelly is too sweet for me.

Me: Alright next is Shino, your question is: if you had, HAD to choose a girl in the series to date, who would you choose? That's a good question.

Shino: If I had to choose I suppose it would be Tenten.

Me: Why is that?

Shino: Ino and Sakura are too loud for me and Temari is a bit of a big shot almost. Hinata is sweet but she's only a friend and has a crush on Naruto.

Me: Makes sense, but why Tenten?

Shino: She's not a big mouth or big shot and not as shy. She'd rather train than look at boys and that's something I respect and like in a woman.

Me: Good for you ^_^ hope that helps KillerOfHappyness~

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