Questions 69-71

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Me: Alright we got three more questions from shinaucha06, first up is Hidan: wow ok nice to know you care for siblings so does this mean you don't care i go out with kisame then? oh and im a jashin

Hidan: Nice that your a fucking jashinist and all but why the fuck whould I care if you dated shark boy?

Me: Hidan your rude to everyone you get a question from. Can't you be nice for once? Some people don't even get any questions, like the tailed beasts.

Hidan: *rolls eyes* I ain't gonna fucking change.

Me: -_-* Fine then, be that way..Next is Kisame: are you seeing anyone?

Kisame: Nu uh.

Me: Wait didn't you kill that one chick that asked you out when you were younger? Ya know before you killed your master and took hold of samahada?

Kisame: Hm? Oh yeah her. I forgot all about that.

Me:....................................................Ok Tobi: wanna go prank on itachi?

Tobi: Tobi is a good boy!


Tobi: Tobi loves pranks >:3 So Tobi will help!

Me: Ok hope that answers your questions ^_^ Good luck on pranking Itachi.

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