Questions 112-114

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Me: More question~ :D These are from nany_chan04 and first up we have Sasuke: if you had a younger sister and orochimaru got the curse seal on her to what would you do? Oh and would you still leave even though she didn't want to leave?

Sasuke: Then I'd hate that snake even more, I wouldn't be able to do much though from the pain of the curse mark on myself...About me leaving, if she didn't want to it's not like I'd take her with me. It would be too dangerous for her to come on my quest to kill Itachi. She's safer in the hidden leaf.

Me: Interesting, next is Naruto: You are my favorite character your awesome!!! I don't get why you don't have fan girls!?

Naruto: I don't either...Maybe Sakura is right, maybe I am just an idiot?

Me: Pft. That's not it at all, Sakura is just a bitch. I can answer this one for ya nany_chan04, it's because most Naruto fans ship Hinata and Naruto together and want them to be together more than themselves and Naruto. The other huge amount of Naruto fans, smaller than the NaruHina fans, ship Naruto and Sakura, the remaining fans ship themselves and Naruto or ship Naruto with someone else, even a yaoi couple like NaruSaso which is smaller than NaruHina yet bigger than NaruSaku.

Naruto: Wow..So I have fangirls..?

Me: Yep, one of my best friends happens to be one of em. Last up is Minato: If you survived the kyuubi attack would naruto be a prodigy and stronger just like you!!!?

Naruto: I believe that if I stuck around Naruto would actually be slightly weaker. Right now he's prbably the strongest shinobi in all the generations of ninja we past by.

Naruto: Believe it!

Me: Wow...Cool! Ok hope that helped! Feel free to ask more questions!

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