Questions 117-118

220 5 3

Me: MORE QUESTIONS!!!! >:D These are from ilovemusic44 and she asks Sasori this: *fangirl scream* omg i love you so much! please marry me!

Sasori: I don't know you...

Me: But she knows chu~

Sasori: That's no reason to marry. I'm not marrying you unless I get to know you first, I don't think I would mind going out with you though.

Me: That's the spirit! Next up is Hidan: *puppy dog face* be my big brother pleeeeeeeeeeeese?!

Hidan: Fuck no!

Me: Please?! Hidan look at her! She's sooooo cute! X3

Hidan: Ugh~ Fine...but only if you don't mind blood or my religion.

Me: Try not to scar her...Anyways thanks for your questions and feel free to ask more!

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