Questions 12-16

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Me: Wow you guys are popular, more questions ^_^ First one is for Neji. NEJI!!!!!!

Neji: *comes in* What do you want Calienia?

Me: You got a question. IMAInuzuka asks: ' what's it like being related to hinata?'

Neji: *shrugs* It's like living with a family member that everyone love, admires, and respects. I can't say much more about the subject than that.

Me: That's nice, can you send Hinata in next please.

Neji: Certainly. *leaves*

Me: Thank chu~!

Hinta: *comes in* I-I was told a got a q-question.

Me: Yep, IMAInuzuka wants to know: ' why don't you just go out with naruto already?!'

Hinata: Ah! H-How did..?

Me: Hinata everyone who watches the show knows you like him. Can you answer the question pretty please?

Hinata: W-Well..I did tell him my feelings during his battle with Pein..but he must have forgotten. So I'm going to get stronger so Naruto-Kun will notice me more.

Me: Your so sweet TT^TT we need to get Naruto's head and heart off Sakura so Naruto will notice you more. Anyways next question is for Tenten, can you send her in?

Hinata: Sure. *leaves*

Me: She's so sweet TT^TT

Tenten: *comes in* So I get the next question?

Me: Huh, IMAInuzuka asks: ' how do you keep so many heavy wepons in a scroll?'

Tenten: Simple, it's like a summoning jutsu. The scroll is only as heavy as it looks. I just summon the weapons from it and they show up. The writing is the ninja tool but the scroll doesn't carry any weight of the tools themselves.

Me: Oh that makes sense. Anyways I got few more questions here from IMAInuzuka so can you send in Sasuke and Sasori next?

Tenten: Ok sure. *leaves*

Sasori&Sasuke: *comes in*

Me: Wuuuuzuuuuup~?! You guys both got more questions ^_^ First is Sasuke, ' YOUR SEXY, but how do you get your hair like that? I'm curious'

Sasuke: Hn.


Sasuke:...There isn't much to say, I was born with it. 

Itachi: *comes in and hands me a picture before walking away*

Me:...Umm..That was weird. *looks at the picture* Daaawww it's your baby picture Sasuke, wow you really were born with it..

Sasuke: ITACHI! I'LL KILL YOU! >//////< *runs after Itachi*

Me: Don't break anything! Ok Sasori your turn, ' why would you turn yourself into an emotionless puppet? Now you can't love anyone or be happy'

Sasori: Who says I can't be happy? In this body that can not love, I can keep from getting hurt. I do have some emotions, if you've seen any of the episodes I'm in you notice I can still be surprised, angery, even cocky. In the body of a puppet I can be created over and over again and have no flaws of a human body. Care to have one Calienia?

Me: *hiding behind a couch* I'm g-g-good..y-you can go now..

Sasori: *smirks then leaves*

Me: Scary..Thanks for your questions IMAInuzuka~!

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