Questions 61-64

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Me: *yawns* I'm getting sleepy..Ok more questions! First is for Sai. These are from Animalover9 If you had to date one person from Konoha (Guy or girls) Who'd you pick?

Sai: Let's see...I find Sakura and Ino quite un-attractive, Hinata has a thing for Naruto and Temari slightly scares me..I think I'd have to say Tenten on this one.

Me: Really?

Sai: Yes.

Me: Interesting. Ok next is Kankuro: .... You also don't have many fangirls... So I wanna let you know I'm a fangirl for you~ ^w^

Kankuro: I don't have a lot of fangirls?!

Me: Relax Kankuro, she just said she was your fangirl, I also have a friend who's your fangirl.

Kankuro: *shrugs* Well as long as I get to be with the ladies, I'm happy ^_^

Me: *giggles* Ok then, next up is Sasori: Ehm....after you turned yourself into a puppet.... did you keep your..*ahem* "privates" >____> ...............................................................................Wow...

Sasori:.....Do I have to answer?

Me: Yep.

Sasori: ...Ok then yes.

Me: I bet you made it bigger and thicker to make the ultimate dildo.

Sasori: Excuse me?!

Me: Nothing! Last is Karin:  After Sasuke basically almost killed you,how do you feel about him?

Karin: To be honest I don't really care for him anymore. I wish I had known him before like his friend that Uzumaki kid. Now I don't care what happens to Sasuke.

Me: That makes sense, he's a douche anyway and you'd look cuter with Suigetsu ^_^ Thanks for your questions Animalover9 feel free to ask more.

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