Questions 127-128

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Me: Even more questions! Wow, aren't we popular? Anyways these are from joshuaakerry and first up is Minato: are you fast by speed speed or flying rajin speed

Minato: I'm fast in general but I'm even faster with my flying raijin.

Me: Makes sense, next up is Obito: are like serious releasing terror to konaha Tryed killing your master and turning evil I bet kid obito would've beat you up and Rin would like to see you like this

Obito: I only fought my sensei because he got in my way, I became this way when I was young so the younger me beating me up is impossible. If you read the manga or wait for a few more episodes to come out then you may understand me.

Me:.....Well I hope that helps, feel free to ask more questions!

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