Question 139

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Me: Alright we got more questions from i_asma and this question is for Pein: what are those things in your face ???

Pein: Many people refer to them as 'piercings' but they're actually chakra rodes. I get chakra from my original body through them. If you watch the episodes with my fight with Naruto you'll learn more about them.

Me: i_asma would also like to tell Itachi this: oh and a daily ''love you hug you miss you'' reminder to U.itachi <3

Itachi: *blushes*

Me: Naaaawwww~ Itachi is blushing~

Itachi: Oh be quiet..

Me: Well aren't you gonna say it back?

Itachi: *blush deepens* Hug you...miss you...>////////< Love you to.

Me: AWWWW~!!! *takes a picture* Ima make copies >:3 Hope that helps! Feel free to ask more questions! If you would like an actual date with Itachi then I do one-shot requests on my main account @Calienia

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