Questions 141-142

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Me: Alright more questions from ilovemusic44 and first is for Sasuke: *anime tears* why couldnt you just say in the village and marry naruto?!

Sasuke: XP Naruto is like a brother to me! I left the village for the sake of revenge!

Me: -_-.....


Me: Well at least you admit your ties with Naruto haven't been cut, and hey! You didn't say you weren't gay ^_^

Sasuke: O_O

Me: This next one is for Hinata: cant you share naruto with sasuke...? please...? lol sorry xD 

Hinata: S-Sasuke-San? Umm...W-Well I r-really like Naruto so...I...I don't really want to sh-share...b-but if Naruto-Kun does...then...*looks down sadly*

Me: AWWW!!! *hugs Hinata* It's ok Hinata, don't be sad. And now another message for Itachi: *hugging looking like a 5 year old* awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i was so sad when sasuke killed you. My friend loves and she's like a mom to me so your like a dad

Itachi: I'm like a father?

Me: Damn Itachi...Do you know how often you pop up in my life?


Me: *sighs* I got one-shot requests for you, more for you then others, same with my lemon requests and my base requests on deviantart, and NOW your getting not just questions but messages as well?!


Me: I can't do this anymore...NO MORE QUESTIONS!!! *takes out a gun* Goodbye world *shoots my head then falls down dead*


XD jk, feel free to ask more questions!

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