Questions 47-53

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Me: Alrighty got these last few questions until we get more. I'm here with Deidara, Sasuke, Neji, Tenten, Naruto, and Shikamaru. These are questions from Angelstarfire. First is for Deidara. Why are you a twin Ino I mean seriously. I flipped when I saw you and Ino in the same photo. No difference!

Deidara: Huh?

Me: *shows him a picture of Ino*

Deidara: The fuck?! Whoever created me and this chick is gonna get it! No wonder people mistake me for a girl!

Me: I'd say it's your hair but hey I thought you were a guy when I first saw ya. Anyways that didn't answer the question.

Deidara: Everyone knows a real artist has creative hair. This chick just stole mine. Probably the creators idea.

Me: Ok next is Sasuke. WHY DO YOU LIKE TOMATOES!?!?!? Isn't there anything else other then rice balls and Naruto that you like?

Sasuke: I don't really like Naruto...

Me: That's not the question dummy.

Sasuke: *sighs* Fine, I like the word power, I like training and taking walk, and my favorite foods are omusubi with okaka and tomatoes.

Me: Much better. Next is Neji. What do you do for a living? Btw are you gay? Well cause in the spin off you cosplay like a girl A LOT

Neji: I am not gay, Lee and Guy sensei forces me to wear those dresses for those stupid skits. I don't even know why I agree to them. As a ninja I do missions for a living though I enjoy meditating in my spare time.

Me: That's nice ^_^ Ok Tenten's turn. Why aren't you and Neji going out yet? I mean it's like you guys are meant to be.

Tenten: Huh? Oh, well I guess it's because unlike Sakura and Ino, I'm more into training then boys, I don't think I've ever thought of Neji in that way before...*blushes*

Me: Until now~ Next up is Naruto. why are you so dense? Dude you do know that Hinata loves you right?

Naruto: Say what?!

Me: Naruto your such a hard head...Hinata even told you during your battle with Pein didn't she?

Naruto: Oh..right..Well I've been so busy with training and trying to bring Sasuke back that I guess I forgot about that.

Me: Sorry about this Naruto but...*hits his head*

Naruto: Ouch!

Me: Meanie! Go ask out Hinata! She's done a lot of chu!

Naruto: Alright alright. *goes to find Hinata*

Me: *sighs* Ok lastly we have Shikamaru. what's your favorite viet food?

Shikamaru: I like mackerel and kelp the best.

Me: Hope that solves your questions Angelstarfire! Feel free to ask more!

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