Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning to find Daryl in his cot. I smiled a little then realized I told him everything last night. Not like I had a problem, I trusted him. I got up and changed very quick and quietly so I wouldn't wake Daryl, and so he didn't see my scars. I made my way out of the tent to be greeted by less faces.

"Good morning, trouble maker!" Carl said running up to me.

"Good morning youngster!" I said back. I quickly ate breakfast and started to help with the bodies of the people we had lost. I grabbed a pickax and started to stab the brain of the people to make sure that they were gone forever. Daryl soon joined me.

"Why didn't ye wake me up?" He asked. I looked at him, he had bags under his eyes, but they were still shining blue. His hair was a mess and I could tell he was still tired. You could hear the sleep in his deep, husky voice.

"You were on watch most of last night. Thought you should sleep some more before I woke you up." I said. He smirked a little and nodded his head getting back to stabbing brains. I smiled a small smile and also got back to work.

"Let me do it... He is my husband." I heard Carol say as she took the ax from Daryl's hands and repetitively stabbing the brain. She stopped and gave Daryl the ax again. She left.

I finished my work and saw Andrea still over Amy's lifeless body. I walked over to her and bent down to their level.

"I don't know what it is like to lose someone close to you, but it looks like it sucks. I don't know how to comfort people in the moments of mourning but I know that the usual way is to tell them that everything will get better. And to think of the positive side." I said. Andrea just looked at me.

"What's the positive side to this?" She said, not making eye contact to me.  She kept looking at Amy.

"She doesn't have to suffer anymore. She doesn't have to be scared. She doesn't have to worry about whether she will live to see the next day or not. And even though she may not be hear physically, she will always be here in your heart." I said. Andrea smiled, and pulled out a pink paper covering something.

"Today is her birthday." She said. I smiled a little as she wrapped the necklace around Amy's neck.

"HE'S BIT! A WALKER BIT JIM!!" Jacqui exclaimed. I quickly got up and ran to Jim were the had pulled his arms back and pulled his shirt up revealing a clear bite, just below the ribs.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Jim kept repeating. Daryl took a swing at him with the pickax and everyone was grabbing him back.

"Daryl!" I yelled and he looked back at me then lowered his arms. We all gathered in a circle.

"I say we put a pickax in his head and the dead girls and get this over with." Daryl said.

"Would you like it, if it were you in that state?" Shane asked.

"Yes! And I'd thank you while doing it." Daryl said. I couldn't help but feel that he was in a way right but was also wrong.

"We can't do that. It isn't right. It isn't us." Dale says.

"Y'all get the aspirins and whatever else you need I ain't doing this." Daryl says as he tries to take another swing. I grab his arm, hitting the pressure point, and grabbing the ax.

"We said no Daryl, Please?" I said. He looked at me with this look filled with emotion that I couldn't tell of. He nodded and stood up. I threw the ax to the side and we began talking.

"The CDC. If there is anything that can cure this mess it would be there right. Any form of government would be there right?" Rick called.

"I heard a lot of shit before this happened." Shane said. "Fort Benning is an option." He said.

"That is 100 miles in the other direction." I said.

"We will leave in the morning. Who ever wants to come we leave first thing." Rick said as him and Shane bring Jim to the back of the RV.

I go into my tent and lay down. I lay on my cot, still unaware that it belonged to Daryl or Merle and just stared at the ceiling. Daryl came in afterwards. He looked at me and then laid in the other cot.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him. I looked at him and he shook his head.

"Naw, I know that I was way in over my head." He said. I nodded.

"Who's bed am I in?" I asked the question that was in my head the last few days.

"Mine" Daryl said. I got up quick and he looked at me.

"Ya can stay in it. I don't mind Ya know." He said. I smiled a little. I wanted to get to know him more but I was scared on asking the wrong question.

"Why do you care about me?" He suddenly asked. I looked at him with a look that had so many questions and answers to it.

"Because you are a person like me, Rick, Shane, Lori, Carl... Everyone else. You deserve to be cared about." I answered. He nodded his head.

Daryl and I left the tent and started to go to the hill that had so many graves. Daryl offered me a drive up and I hopped into the truck. I got out and we had put the lives of the friends we had in the graves. Andrea wanted to do Amy's by herself but then let Dale help her.

After the little burial I made my way back to camp. Shane came beside me.

"How is everything with Daryl? He getting on your nerves yet?" Shane asked. I shook my head.

"He isn't that bad of a guy. You got to get to know him. You have to give him time." I said. Shane just nodded.

"Just remember that there is still room in my tent if you would like to." He said. That made me uncomfortable and I just shook my head and went back to Daryl and I's tent.

"What did Officer Dumbass have to say to you?" Daryl asked me.

"Nothing. He just wanted to make sure that I was comfortable sleeping in the same tent as you." I said as I sat down on the cot.

"Really? You looked really uncomfortable when he was talking to you." Daryl said.

"Okay... Because he started to say how he has room in his tent if I ever felt uncomfortable, and he was really close to me. I just.. Just.. Didn't.. You know." I said beginning to stutter, from the uncomfortable and nervousness that had just managed to take over my body. Daryl nodded and laid back down on the cot of which I would say is Merle's as he mentioned that I was sleeping on his.

I put my hair into a braid so it wouldn't look as bad as it would in the morning if i were to leave it down. I laid down onto the cot, and slowly started to close my eyes, as I fell into a nice sleep.

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