Chapter 36

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Carly's P.O.V.

Daylight came, everyone was now awake. Daryl came to give me a bowl of food. I slowly took it and began to eat.

"I don't want ye goin' in, but I know ya ain't gonna listen ta me." Daryl said sitting next to me. I looked up at him.

"Yeah. That we both know." I agreed.

"Jus' stay near me please?" He asked. More like begged. I nodded my head and finished the small amount of food.

Rick opened the gate and we fled in taking down all the walkers that got too close.

"Stay in formation." Rick said. Maggie, Glenn, T-dog, Rick, Daryl and I got into formation so we all had each other's backs. No side was left opened.

While the six of us were inside, the others were on the other side of the fence stabbing them through it.

"Carly!" Daryl yelled. I gazed back into focus and stabbed the walker reaching out to me. I nodded my head in his direction. I ran back to my spot between Daryl and Maggie.

We hid behind a wall as more piled into the now empty lot. Soon walkers dressed in guard uniforms came in. Daryl latched an arrow in his crossbow and shot it. It bounced off the plastic shield. I pushed it away as it got too close for comfort.

Rick tried smashing it through the helmets but nothing was working. More prisoner dressed walkers came and I took those out with T-Dog and Daryl along side.

"Daryl!" Rick yelled. Daryl took one away from me and stabbed it as he ran to aid Rick. The rest of us still trying to figure how the hell to kill the ones with the helmets.

"Guys I did it!" Maggie exclaimed as she stabbed on under the helmet and through the neck.

Glenn lifted a helmet and I stabbed the Walker ending its life, as it fell to the floor with a thump. The others following suit.

Soon everything was down. I looked around and noticed a citizen that didn't belong to the prison. Glenn ran to get the others.

"Hold on." Rick stopped him. Glenn questioned his disappointment.

"There is a civilian, this place could be over run inside." I said.

"We got to go inside. We can't have a blind side." Rick added. We slowly walked to the entrance after hearing the others groan.

The block was empty. No walkers lingered inside. I walked upstairs to the office only to see the guard with a bullet hold to the head and blood splattered everywhere. I grabbed the set of keys off the man and whistled to Rick. When he looked up I tossed him the keys and he opened a door. I jumped off the balcony, landing swiftly on my feet before following after them.

Daryl and I walked to the top and saw nothing but blood on walls. Two cages were closed and walker arms tried reaching through. I looked at Daryl who already stabbed one, ending the sound. I soon did the same. He opened the cell and we threw the bodies down where T dragged them away. Everyone else was starting to enter.

"Home sweet home." Glenn sarcastically muttered. I rolled my eyes. There was no way I could call this home for a while. Hell I'm not even going to be sleeping in those cells. I am not going to sleep in a cage. At least until it's cleaned out.

"I ain't sleeping in no cage." Daryl said. "I'll take the perch." He added as he dragged a mattress out of a cell and onto the balcony.

"Looks like I'm on the perch too." Carly said as she walked up the stairs and dropping her things on the side. She sat down on the mattress beside Daryl. He moved his hands over her arms and legs.

"What are you doing?" I questioned softly.

"Checking for bites or scratches." He replied. He checked my shoulders and the remainder of body parts that were covered.

"Ye are okay." He said. I cupped his face with my hands and brought his lips to mine. He pushed us both down to the bed.

Breaking my lips from his, I smiled towards him. His smirk clearing seen.

"Why don't you smile?" I question. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why should I?" He questioned back.

"Because, we finally found safety. We found sanctuary. We can build a life now." I replied. This brought the smile that I was dying to see on his face.

"Happy? Ye made me smile." He sarcastically questioned. I nodded my head a bright, and wide smile on my face. I buried my head into his chest.

"Go to sleep. Ye need it." He softly said. I nodded my head shutting my eyes.

The sound of his heart beat and steady breathing helped me fall asleep.


Sorry that the updating have been slow. I am trying really hard.

I hope you all like this chapter!

I want to hear from you guys. More comments and votes means fast updates. More ideas would be appreciated.

Love y'all!


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