Chapter 3

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I was looking down at the walkers. I was trying to think of a way to get us out. I wasn't sure how we were supposed to get out of here when a huge herd of walkers were downstairs blocking the main door. Those glass doors won't hold forever.

"Hey cupcake! What about you come here and help your friend Merle out?" Merle said behind me.

"You want me to come there and help you out? For what? So you can try and take control again?" I asked. He just shrugged. "Not to mention that you slapped me, you called T-dog a nigger, you don't listen and you are stupid enough to think that I will let you out? Thanks, but no thanks!" I said as everyone had shocked eyes.

"What? I speak the truth. I am a very blunt person." I said.

"Just like the other Dixon!" Glenn said, with a small smile on his face.

"What other Dixon?" I asked, emphasizing the word other. "There's more than one?"

"Yeah, there is. Dick faces brother." Andrea said. I rolled my eyes.

I looked to the left and noticed a construction site. There still were the trucks that belonged to the workers and there was a fence that stood around the area.

"Hey! There is a construction site. They always have spare keys in a grey box against a wall or in the vehicles. Maybe if two of us make our way there, we could be able to bring a truck over that can carry us." I said.

"That's true, good thinking Carly. Only thing, how are we going to do that without attracting the attention of the others below us?" Rick asked.

"Walkers are attracted to our scent; they smell our blood and flesh. We have to disguise ourselves with their smell, they won't know it is a living walker. You would smell like them, 'limp', but have a weapon in case. You would climb the fence and make it to the truck." I said.

"How do you know this?" Jacqui asked.

"I was by myself since the beginning." I said. They just nodded their heads.

"What do we do if there are no extra keys?" Glenn asked.

"Hot wire...usually it is a blue and green wire, but these trucks are red and blue." I said.

"How do you know all this?" Merle asked.

"Don't worry..." Rick and I said at once. I laughed. "Let's just say...I wasn't the best child growing up." I replied.

We set off down the stairs to the back door where Rick and I arrived. Morales and I went out to grab a walker. We came inside and Rick had an ax. He started to thank the man that was once alive. After he took the ax, and he was chopping the arms and legs off.

He then ripped the Walker opened and gave us gloves. "We need to be covered, just don't get any on your skin." Rick said. He made us cover Glenn and himself. Soon all we were able to smell is the dead. Glenn couldn't handle the scent, or just thought it was gross because he bent over and vomited. He wasn't very excited over this plan.

Rick and Glenn were on their ways to the trucks. The others and I were heading up the stairs to the roof once Rick gave T-dog the key to the handcuffs.

Morales, Andrea, Jacqui and I were watching Glenn and Rick walk. Soon the sky became grey.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself. Eventually when they were almost there, the rain came down hard.

The blood and guts were beginning to wash off, the odor of the dead leaving with it. The guys started to run for the sake of their lives because every walker that was around them was suddenly attracted to them. Soon they were over the fence, they got into the truck and started to drive. Only, they weren't driving towards us but away. I knew what they were doing.

"Where are they going?" Jacqui asked.

"They are going to find a distraction because of all the walkers here." I said. They looked at me and nodded. They started to pack their stuff, as did I. I told T-dog to unhook Merle as we ran.

Rick's P.O.V.

I was driving down the street, thinking of something that could distract the walkers. Then I came upon a red challenger. I got out of the truck and broke the window casing the alarm to go off.

"Glenn. You need to drive this and distract the walkers while I get everyone else. Hurry!" I said as Glenn got into the car.

I started to drive as Glenn got to the car and distracted the walkers. I got to the door and knocked on it, soon everyone came. They closed the back door and we were off to the highway, the group told me where to drive.

It was quiet. I looked around the back of the cube van to see everyone was there. Everyone except Merle.

"I dropped the key. I dropped the key and it went into the drain." T-dog said as if he was reading my mind.

"Merle is still on that roof. I had enough time to chain the door with the pad lock. The geeks won't be able to get him up there." T-dog finished.

"Don't worry. No one will be mad at you. Well I can't talk about Daryl." Morales said as he looked at me from the passenger seat.

"Who is Daryl?" I asked. "Merle's younger brother." Morales said. I was in trouble if this Daryl guy was anything like Merle.

Once we got to the camp, everyone but Carly and I got out of the car.

"Come on guys. Come meet the others." Morales said.

I looked at Carly, unsure of whether she was ready to go or not. I saw a bruise on her cheek where Merle had slapped her and a small cut on her cheekbone when she hit the ground. I sighed to myself as I looked away.

I saw Andrea run up to another blonde and held her tightly in her embrace. Everyone seemed to have someone to run to. Morales kissed his wife and hugged his children before turning back to us.

"Helicopter boy, Troublemaker! How about you guys come and say hello?" Morales called out to us.

Carly got out of the van from the back and started towards the others, shaking their hands. I watched as a smile grew upon everyone's face as she introduced herself to them. Finally, I got out as well.

"Guy's a cop, like you." I raised my head and saw my beautiful wife, Lori and my son, Carl. They were alive. Carl ran to me and held me very tight as I dropped to the floor. Tears began to grow in my eyes out of happiness. I stood up and hugged Lori as tight as I could and placed my lips against hers.

I introduced her to Carly, she was so happy to finally meet her. I have talked about Carly before a while back at home, telling Lori how I wish I could do something to keep her out of trouble and harm's way.

Right now, I was happy that I got my family back and there was no way I was losing them again. I saw my best friend, Shane Walsh. I gave him a hug.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked looking confused.

"For taking care of my family." I said and hugged him again. I introduced Carly to Shane. Just in case he didn't remember her, but turns out he did.

"Who could forget the town's troublemaker?" Shane said. She laughed.

" were a trouble maker?" Carl asked.

"Yup. Your daddy here had to put me in the back of the police car, with handcuffs on my arms. I was in a lot of trouble." She said. Carl look shocked and mouthed the word wow. I laughed.

I was talking to the others about Merle. That's when I asked them what to tell his brother. I knew it had to be the truth.

"How dangerous was he?" Shane asked.

"Carly!" I yelled and she came running.

"Yes?" She asked and I pointed to the red and bruised cheek, from where Merle slapped her. Everyone looked at her cheek.

"We have to tell Daryl." Shane said as Dale took Carly to see if there is anything he can do to put down the swelling.

Carly's P.O.V.

Later that night, we were all around the fire. Shane got mad at Carol's husband, Ed, for having the fire too big. Eventually, it was time for bed.

"Carly. The only other place we have for you to sleep is in Daryl Dixon's tent. There is an extra sleeping bag in there from Merle. I hope you don't mind. If you do, then we can try and find something else." Shane told me.

"Um...well he isn't here now, so I guess I can stay there tonight. If he returns tomorrow and he isn't as bad as Merle, then I can stay. If he is like him or worse I will move." I said back.

"Okay. Goodnight." Shane said.

"Goodnight!" I replied and went to the orange tent that was a bit farther from the others.

I unzipped the tent, stepped in and closed it. I got into a sleeping bag, not knowing which one is Merle's or Daryl's. I lay down in the bag, and was soon drifted into a long and deep sleep.

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