Chapter 45

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I ran inside to Dad. He needed to know. I hated that place. I fucking hate it, but it's to keep my family safe. And that is a good enough reason for us to go.

"Dad!" I yelled. He came out of a cell and looked at me.

"I have a place we can go." I said. He looked at me with a smile before running to get a map. The map was of Georgia and I grabbed Glenn to help out.

"Glenn, point out King's County." I said. Glen searched the map before placing his finger in an area. I took a black marker, and circled it.

"Now point out the prison." He did so.

I explained to the guys what I was thinking.

"Darling, are you sure you want to go there?" Daryl asked.

"No, not at all. But if it will keep you guys safe, I'll do it." I said. He wrapped me up I. His arms and held me tight.

"Alright. I can lead the way into the city, but than Carly, you'll need to take over." Dad said. I nodded me head.

We went into he dining area, everyone was sitting around and talking. Rick took a stand and everyone shut their mouths.

"We have a place to go. We are going to Carly's old neighbourhood in King County. Sure it is a long travel, but there's this one house with gates. It can secure us." He said.

Everyone looked around. I cleared my throat and had their gaze on me. I felt uncomfortable, but I needed to speak.

"This place is my old home." I started. "A terrible one." I said under my breath. Nevertheless, I continued.

"This place has walls, fences. About 10 feet off the ground. As skinny as I am, I can't fit through. Neither will the walkers. The house is huge. Biggest on the block. There are 5 floors, about 10 bedrooms, and 6 baths." I said suddenly having flashbacks of the horrid place.

"This place, you will be safe." I said.

"What if it's gone?" T-Dog asked.

"There's the school I was suppose to attend. I've been there enough times to know there is a stove, some canned goods, they have their own generators. As does my house. There are a few places around. It's a small town, population ain't more than 6,000 people. We won't have to deal with very many walkers. Although the population is small, many had huge appetites, corner stores, Starbucks, Tim's even Wal-Marts on almost every block. Fortunately, for Daryl and I, there are woods. About a 5 minute walk. Game is good." I said.

Everyone nodded their head taking in everything I just said.

"I'd say it's a go." Carol said.

Everyone agreed with cheers and Judith let out a giggle. Everyone looked at Rick who held Judith.

"What's that sweetheart? You think we should do it?" Rick asked. Judith squealed again.

"I'll take that as a yes. She's in, that means I'm in. We're going to King's County." Rick said.

Everyone got to work packing, ensuring they had everything before we placed the bag in the cars and truck. We filled up on the gas we have collected and went back inside.

Everyone was asleep, getting their rest for the early wake up tomorrow and for the long travel. I, on the other hand, can't sleep. My mind is wondering from place to place. What if everything is destroyed? My subconscious wanted to bring up.

What if your parents are still there? I blinked my eyes. Rick would take care of them. He wouldn't let them hurt me. Neither would Daryl. Daryl would put an arrow in each of their heads before they got a chance to say their first word. Either way, I was safe.

"Are ye still awake?" Daryl said from beside me. I nodded my head as he lifted himself on his elbow to become eye level with me. His hand brushed my face, leaving hot tingling sensations as it moved.

"Are ya still worried? Do ye want me ta tell Rick no?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"I'm just progressing things. Nothing to worry about." I said as I turned my head to face him. His eyes searched mine, looking for any clues that will notify him.

He leaned closer, joining our lips together. His hand went around my waist and mine immediately wrapped in his hair. With a slight tug, Daryl let out a moan, and laid me down on my back. Daryl shifted so he was now on top of me.

He leaned on his elbows that were on either side of my head, taking most of his weight. His lips still attached to mine. His tongue entered my mouth without my permission, but I let him get away with it. His hand began to reach down and he rose the hem of my shirt. His fingers purposely rubbing against my skin.

He broke the kiss for a second before he slowly took off my shirt and tossed it to the floor. Next was my shorts. Daryl kissed down my chest to my stomach, leaving a few love bites on the way. He took off my shorts, and my underwear included and threw it to the pile of clothes.

I sat up a bit and tugged on Daryl's boxers. He took them off and threw them else where before coming back to me. He gave me a passionate kiss before entering me.


I awoke the next morning early. Daryl handed me some clean clothes and I packed some last minute essentials. We all walked out of the prison as quick as possible.

In the Honda was Rick, Carl, Carol, T-Dog and Judith. In the Tucson was Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Hershel, and Michonne. Lastly, in the 1973 Ford F-250 I found on a run, similar to the Dixon's before shit hit the fan was Merle, Daryl and myself.

Everyone climbed into their cars but me as I went to open the gates. I shut the gates behind everyone, in case we were to ever return and got into the truck. We remained silent at first until Merle spoke up to Daryl.

"Did ye do it yet?" He questioned.

"Do what?" I asked curious...

"Do you see it?" Daryl asked.

"No. But ya better." Merle said. I looked between the boys before Daryl gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"So ye think this can be a good place to settle down?" Merle asked.

"Well, I lived in there for about 20 years. I wasn't aloud to leave. It's safe. I wasn't able to get out. Not until my fucked up father fucked up." I said.

"If you don't want to..." I cut Daryl off.

"I'm sure." I said looking at him.

Daryl placed his arm around my shoulder, bring me closer to his side. We had a long drive ahead of us. We should make it to Kings County within 2 days. The vehicles we have are efficient with gas so we won't need to stop. Other than use the bathroom and sleep that is. We should be at my old house by tomorrow sunset.

"Tis can be da new start we all needed." Daryl said.

"Yeah, you guys can live happily, have kids of your own. Start a family with Maggie and that China man." Merle said.

"He's Korean." I corrected. "And his name is Glenn. Use it." I ordered. Merle placed his hand up in a mocking surrender tone and let out a chuckle.

"But Daryl's right. This can be the new start." I said with a smile on my face as we drive down the road to the place I once called home.

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