Chapter 29

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Carly's P.O.V.

The funeral for Sophia was nice... We were able to remember her as how she was, how she used to be... Not what we saw her as just a few short hours ago. Everyone stared at me when I came back into reality...

"Carly? Would you like to talk?" Rick asked. I nodded my head slowly and took a step forward. I looked around the group of people and then back at the freshly covered ground.

"Sophia was an unique child. Her eyes were always full of life, and she knew things that we didn't. She could see things in a different perspective then we could. She always saw the good in people, and was curious... She was always trying to make people happy. She was the total opposite of me when I was her age, but that was good because it shows me that some people can live more freely then others. She showed me that she was brave, and stronger then she looked. I remember Sophia when I first came into the group looked at me with a look with a mixture of emotions... They looked to be fear, bravery, curiosity, and understanding. She was a child a little too smart for her age, but that was good. She was an amazing friend to all of us. She was an amazing daughter to Carol, who unfortunately wouldn't like to join us... But we can't blame her either. I think we should honour Sophia by showing her personality... Not being afraid but helping everyone get through things that we didn't think we could. We will all miss her dearly, truly and most of all physically.. But we have to remember that she is not fully gone... She is still alive in our minds, in our souls, and in our hearts. She will not be forgotten, but will forever be remembered in our good times, and the bad time... She is always going to be with us. She isn't any less part of this family that we have created." I said...

I couldn't get anything else out as I was now short of words that I wanted to say to express how sorry I am for the little girl. I would do anything to switch places with her... To have her here in her mother's arms where she belonged. I soon felt a hand on my shoulder, and I quickly flinched and turned around to see Daryl looking at me with worried eyes.

"Thank you.. This is how we are going to remember Sophia!" Rick enchanted. Everyone soon had left from their place around the grave and made their ways to do things around farm. Daryl held me close to him and I just sobbed into his chest. Coming to think of it... I cried a lot more in the last 2 months then I have in my entire life.

"It's okay darlin' everythin' is gonna be okay..." Daryl whispered into my ear. I knew he was just trying to get me to stop crying and to be honest... It was working.

Daryl let go of me and kissed my cheek.

"I am going to see if Lori needs help with anything." I said. Daryl nodded his head and I started to walk. As I neared the house Lori was trying to calm down the crying Beth..

"Beth, honey... I know it hurts to lose you mom, but you have to calm down... This isn't good for you." Lori tried to calm her.. I decided to take a try.

"Beth, listen to me. I don't know what it is like to lose my mom, because I never had one. But I can tell it hurts people. I have never lost someone close to me. I want you listen. You need to calm down, you can get very sick from all the crying... Trust me, I know the feeling. I need you to see that you have to be brave.. For her and you. For your dad, Maggie, and Jimmy.. Even Patricia. You need to calm down." I said. Beth cleared her tears. She nodded at me and hugged me close..

I flinched at the sudden contact and was a little scared, but soon wrapped my arms around her too.

"Thank you..." She spoke as quiet as a whisper. I nodded my head and she made her way inside. I turned around and looked at Lori.

"How did you get her to calm down?" She asked.

"I just knew because I would've wanted someone to say the same words to me." I replied. She nodded her head. I turned around to walk away but her next sentence stopped me in my tracks.

"What happened to your mom? Why didn't you have one?" She asked. I turned around to look at her and her face softened... I knew that the look on my face from her sudden question. I took in a sharp breath and looked deep into the women's brown eyes.

"My mom didn't care about me... Neither did my dad. I raised myself. Only Daryl knows this." I said. Lori's eyes softened even more and I saw the remorse in her eyes. She gave me a sympathetic hug and then we heard Maggie screaming inside. I ran into the house to see that Maggie was bringing Beth on to a bed in a bedroom.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She just collapsed..." She answered.

"She could be in shock, where is Hershel?" Lori asked.

"We can't find him anywhere.." Glenn said. I haven't even noticed that he was even in the room.

Maggie was starting to feel around Beth's body. I did the same, and put my hand on her skin. She was burning up. Lori ran out of the room returning with Rick. Rick went into Hershel's room. I followed as well with Glenn and Maggie.

"These your step-mother's things?" Rick asked.

"Yes... He was so sure she would recover." Maggie answer still upset. I looked around the room until I came across something familiar.

"Looks like he found an old friend. Something my father use to use. Did Hershel drink?" I asked Maggie.

"He quit the day I was born. He wouldn't allow alcohol in the house." She said.

"Where's the bar?" Rick asked.

"In town. He spent nights there in his drinking days." She replied.

"I know where it is." Glenn said. Rick nodded his head and Glenn follows him out of the room, into the truck with weapons and made their way to the bar.

Hopefully they can get Hershel back soon!

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