Chapter 37

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Carly's P.O.V.

The next morning Daryl once again woke me up. We were heading down into the tunnels. It would be an understatement if I said I wasn't scared. I am terrified of what we will find, or if something will happen.

"Are you all ready?" Rick asked. He handed me a body suit of which they boiled to get the Walker slim off me.

"Um... You don't expect me to wear that do you?" I questioned in disgust. Rick looked at me, his eyes telling me yes, but the shaking in his arm telling me that he won't.

"I guess not." He concluded putting his arm down. I smiled knowing that I won. Rick is like a dad to be, but there was no way in hell I was going to let him win this. I was not wearing that.

"So let's go guys." Rick said. He kissed his wife goodbye with his son, and opened the door to the tunnels allowing us to search the place.

Daryl and I lead, Rick and Maggie behind us, Hershel watching out, and Glenn tailing behind spray painting arrows with white paint so we know where we are going.

"Ye okay?" Daryl questioned. I nodded my head. I held the handle of my swords tighter. My knuckles turning white from the grip. I was ready for whatever was coming for us.

As we head further into the tunnel, the sounds of the dead increased. Rick took the lead and turned a corner shining his light.

"Shit! Go back! Head back!" Rick hissed. I turned and ran, making sure that the people were still with me. I turned to look at Rick. His face is filled with horror and fright. I looked passed his to see the herd.

The herd had at least 30 walkers. To many for us to handle that was for sure. We followed the arrows again. I heard a growl and I turned around and saw another herd of which cut us off.

"This way!" Rick yelled leading U.S. Down another hallway. I ran in front of everyone searching for a place to hide. A door came into view and I checked to see if it opened.

"In here!" I yelled as everyone caught up. Everyone piled in and I slammed the door shut behind me.

I pressed myself up against Daryl as the dead walked passed us. I looked around the group, Maggie and Glenn weren't here.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie?" I questioned. Hershel looked around frantically, trying to see where his daughter was.

"I don't know. We will look for them." Rick said.

Finally the groans and snarls of the undead stopped. I stuck my head out the door and looked around. The walkers had passed and everyone was getting out and was in search for Maggie and Glenn.

"Daddy..." A soft voice was echoed. It sounded like Maggie. But with the echoes bouncing off the walls it was hard to hear where they were.

An ear piercing scream filled the air and my blood ran cold when I realized that it was Hershel's scream. I ran to where I knew he was because he wasn't ahead of us.

When I got there I saw Hershel on the floor with a chunk of his leg missing. There was a walker beside him with fresh blood, meaning it had taken its meal.

I stabbed the Walker in the head and Maggie and Glenn appeared at the scene. Maggie's hand flew to her mouth as she took in the sight before her. Her screams and cries were muffled, but still audible.

"Daddy?" She cried. As she dropped to the floor next to Hershel.

"Rick!" I yelled-whispered as the growls of the dead were increasing in volume.

Rick and T-dog picked Hershel up and dragged him along behind Daryl who was in the lead. He came up to doors that were chained shut. He tried to pry them open but they weren't working.

"Use your crossbow." I said. He nodded his head and slammed his crossbow on the lock. The lock opened and the doors were opened.

Everyone ran inside. Hershel was now laying on the ground and everyone beside him.

"There is only one thing left to do." Rick said. "This is how I can stop the infection from spreading more then it did." He added taking off his belt.

Rick tied his belt tightly above Hershel's knee and grabbed his axe. He lifted it up in the air and brought it down. Blood spilt everywhere as his actions continued. I flinched when I heard the crunching of the bone being cut through. Everything that was in my stomach, was now threatening to come out.

What seemed like forever, but was only seconds Hershel's leg came off. It was disgusting to see, but unfortunately it was how to keep him alive. Well... hopefully.

Something moved in front of me and caught my eye. I guess Daryl saw it too because he was staring up ahead. His head moved to face me and I gave him a nod. I took the gun out of Maggie's holster and placed it beside me. She was going to say something but I held my finger up telling her wait.

I once again looked at Daryl, telling him I was ready. He nodded once again before he grabbed a hold on his crossbow.

"Duck." Daryl said.

As everyone went down, Daryl and I shot up. A flashlight in my hands as the gun aimed.

There standing in front of us were five men. They were behind a cage but looked surprised to see us. They looked as if they haven't seen people in years.

"Holy shit!" One exclaimed.

This should be fun.

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