1~The Lord sees all

339 46 18

6 months earlier

"There he is!"

Annie waved at Ty before giving in to the excitement and running to him. Her belly dipped when she threw her arms around him and he picked her up and spun her around, pulling her close. She'd missed him so much and was scarcely aware of her family and Josh watching them.

His arms encircled her with familiar warmth. He smelled amazing, his scent a combination of soap, mint, and something else that was all Ty. Resisting the sudden urge to bury her nose in his chest and breathe in, she drew back and looked up at his handsome face.

Their eyes locked and warmth shot through Annie, stealing her breath away.

"Congratulations!" Josh reached for Ty's hand, casting a warning glance at Annie.

She got the message. Her parents were watching, and they weren't thrilled about her relationship with Ty.

"A bachelor's degree at twenty-one. Impressive. I can't decide what I want for dinner." Josh spoke with animation and over-the-top enthusiasm.

Ty thanked him with a smile.

Annie knew Josh was saying that for her parent's benefit and she appreciated it. Her gaze slid to Ty's. She was surprised at how shy she still felt around him. "I'm so proud of you."

His mouth lifted in a slow smile. "I missed you."

Her father cleared his throat and the moment was stolen. Ty thanked her parents for coming and held out his hand to her dad, which he took after an awkward moment.

After another few minutes of forced conversation, her parents offered reluctant congratulations to Ty and her dad interrogated him about plans for the future.

"Careful, Dad, you'll scare him away," her brother, Tommy laughed, after the tension grew palpable. She was in the process of throwing her brother a thankful look when he added cheekily, "If we're lucky, he might marry Annie and I can take her room."

Seeing her dad's scowl, Annie's spirits sank. She wouldn't let her feelings ruin Ty's big day.

"Hey, we have to hurry if we're going to meet Caleb and Rachel," Josh cut in with effortless charm, keeping the peace. "Mrs. Mitchell, you look lovely in that dress today."

Her mother relaxed and a smile warmed her eyes. "Thank you, Josh."

Tommy smirked and Annie tried not to roll her eyes.

Her gaze was drawn to Ty. He stood still, scanning the crowd of graduates and their families as if searching. "Expecting someone else?"

He turned and flashed a smile that made her heart flutter. "Only you." His hand slid into hers.

On the ride to the restaurant, Annie and Ty got a few minutes alone in his classic truck which he restored himself, one of the many things her parents disliked about Ty. They thought it wasn't safe.

"Your parents hate me."

"No." Annie's stomach ached, denying the truth. "They're just protective."

He threw her a look that said he clearly thought it was more. "That I understand. I even respect it. But there's more going on with your parents."

"You're reading them wrong."

He cocked a brow. "Annie, your dad asked me if I wanted to see his gun again."

"He likes to hunt." She closed her eyes, realizing how lame her joke sounded, and saw Ty had pulled over beneath a shady oak.

"He wanted to know if I was ever going to get a real job or just keep going to school."

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