9~Even in sickness, He is there

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"I worry about Caleb. He works too hard," Mary Jo confessed while the two of them sipped coffee and she nibbled on her homemade chocolate-chip-coconut cookies—Caleb's favorite.

Rachel ached just hearing his name. What Mary Jo said was true. Caleb did look tired the last time she'd seen him, which had been the awkward dinner at Ty's place. She wanted to talk to him, but each time she reached for the phone she stopped. What would she say?

Turning her attention to his mother, Rachel noted the purple smudges beneath Mary Jo's eyes, the sallow complexion, and how frail she appeared. The bright orange and pink scarf covered her head, lending her a splash of color but it was obvious cancer had taken its toll. Feeling tears sting her eyes, Rachel quickly blinked them away and smiled.

"He does it for me, you know. I wish my son could go to college and live his life instead of being stuck taking care of his sick mother." Mary Jo had a sad, far-away look in her eyes.

"I know that isn't how he feels. Caleb loves this ranch almost as much as he loves you." It was the truth.

Mary Jo took a slow sip of coffee. "He had to turn down a football scholarship. I forbid him to do it, but Caleb wouldn't listen. He's as loyal and stubborn as his father was."

She lifted a cookie to her mouth, which seemed to take all the strength she had. Mary Jo's wise gaze locked with Rachel's. "He loves you too, Rachel."

Surprise widened her eyes. Mary Jo had never mentioned Caleb and Rachel's relationship before, and Rachel hadn't expected it now. She had no idea what to say, but the words came anyway. "He broke up with me."

A sad smile tugged at her lips. "Because he loves you. He wouldn't want you to feel trapped like he was."

For the first time, Rachel felt a glimmer of understanding. Was that really what Caleb thought?

Mary Jo held up a hand. "A bit of jealousy might do him good. Make him realize what he has before it's too late." She smiled, knowingly. "I heard him talking to Ty." Releasing a weary sigh she added, "I don't mean to pry. Would you like another cookie?"

Rachel visited with Mary Jo another half hour before it was clear the older woman needed to rest. She let herself out and gasped as slammed into a wall of solid muscle.

"I'm sorry, Caleb, I—" Her head lifted and she froze. The large cowboy in front of her wasn't Caleb. She took a step back.

He smiled and tipped his hat. "Allow me to apologize, Miss..."

"Rachel. Um, My name is Rachel," she stammered. Disappointment tangled with embarrassment. She wanted to see Caleb.

The man in front of her was older, but not by much, and dressed in a starched button-down shirt, jeans, and expensive boots. He was handsome and possessed an air of confidence that made her wonder if he was older than she guessed.

"Luke Harris, ma'am. I was looking for Caleb. Is he here?"

"No. His mother expects him back soon."

"We have a three o'clock appointment, but I'm early. I can wait." His gaze raked over her and his smile slipped a notch.

Wondering what he was seeing, she glanced down and saw globs of chocolate cookie chunks smeared on her white top.

"Of course not. My apologies ma'am." He tipped the brim of his cowboy hat. "I'm not in the habit of running down beautiful young women."

Rachel's cheeks warmed at the compliment. Luke Harris was charming and handsome, but her heart was stubbornly devoted to Caleb.

As if she'd summoned him Caleb's truck pulled in and he stepped out. Her heart flip-flopped despite his furrowed brow. He seemed to be taking measure of the situation.

"Hello, Caleb. I was just apologizing to the lady. We fell into each other's arms."

"Is that right?" Caleb drawled, his eyes flashing with fire. His jaw clenched, and his gaze swung to Rachel.

Her belly dipped. "I was just leaving. Good to see you, Caleb." She hurried down the steps avoiding his intent stare.

"Excuse me," she heard him say to Luke. "You can wait in my office. I'll be just a moment."

She walked faster, but Caleb caught her easily. She could feel the heat of his body and smell his aftershave before his deep voice slid through her like warm honey. "Rachel, wait. We need to talk."

The sound of her name in his deep, honeyed drawl sent a shiver along her spine. She slowed but didn't stop or turn around. "About what?"


Her heart leaped with reckless hope. "That might take more than a moment."

"Probably." His low chuckle made her stomach muscles quiver. "You mind turning around? I want to look at you while we're talking."

She swallowed hard and pivoted, facing him, but not meeting his gaze. Her resolve to remain unaffected would crumble if she looked into his eyes.

"Have dinner with me."

It was more of a command than an invitation, typical Caleb, but something in his voice spoke directly to her wounded heart. "Why?"

"We both have to eat."

"Really? That's why?" she blurted, disappointed. She glanced over her shoulder. By the look on his face, he knew he'd said the wrong thing.

"No." The word was firm. "That's not why but it's the only answer I'm giving as long as you're looking anywhere but at me."

Rachel spun around, indignant that he would dare issue an ultimatum. One look at him and her breath hitched and their gazes tangled, silently speaking words they were afraid to say aloud. "You're bossy."

"If you're going to start listing my faults, I have a lot of them. You know that." He took a step toward her, then another. She felt the heat of his body, smelled his scent—soap, leather, and man. "Ask me again why I want to have dinner with you."

His callused fingers gently brushed her cheek. Rachel trembled. Opening her mouth, she found it strangely difficult to speak. "Why?"

Taking her face between his warm hands, his gaze held hers. "Because we belong together." Her heart soared. "Because I love you."

A soft cry escaped her lips. She'd waited so long to hear those words again. Emotions raced through her—joy, hope, fear. The last time she offered her heart, he crushed it. "I-I'm not sure I can do this again."

"Don't tell me you're into Gary the Gyno?"

She stiffened. "That's not fair. He's a nice guy."

"Never said he wasn't. You love him?" he persisted, his gaze intent. A hint of vulnerability flickered in his eyes. It touched Rachel.

"Of course not, we just—"

He dragged his thumb over her lips, down her chin, softly circling at the base of her throat. "No games, Rach. You know what I'm asking."

"I don't love him." The words trembled. It wasn't easy to focus when he touched her. With an effort, she pulled away. He let her. "Caleb, I..."

He gripped the back of his neck, his gaze hot on hers. "I get it. You don't love him, but you're not ready to love me." His voice shook with emotion. "I messed up. I can accept the consequences, but I'm begging you to give me a chance to prove myself worthy of you, Rachel."

Her heart melted like the inside of one of Mary Jo's warm gooey cookies. "Ok." The one word was all she could manage.

It was enough. "I'm praying for us, Rach. Tomorrow night."

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now