29~Jesus lead the way

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It surrounded her.

Threatened to pull her into its inky abyss.

Instinct kept her silent when she wanted to cry out. He was watching, she knew. She felt the terrifying weight of his eerie gaze.

Forcing herself to relax and keep breathing steadily took every ounce of self-control Rachel had. Her skin crawled when she felt him over her. The sickening cologne almost made her gag. When she couldn't stand it another second, Rachel felt a warm presence, a beaconing light giving her strength. Jesus.

"Soon." The single word was a threat.

His footsteps fell across the floor, stopped, waited, and finally continued their retreat. The heavy door closed and locked.

The sob she'd held in broke free.

"He's gone," a voice whispered.

Rachel tried to open her eyes, but if felt like weights sat on her eyelids. Panic clawed inside her, but she took a deep breath and tried again. Her heart raced and breathing quickened.

The voice came again. "It's the drugs. You feel groggy, nauseated."

Indeed, she felt both of those things and her head felt like a million tiny people with sledgehammers were pounding away.

"Fight it, Rachel. I need you."

Recognizing the voice, her eyes popped open. "Dani?"

A sob answered. "Yeah. It's me."

"H-how long..." Her throat was dry and it was difficult to speak. She swallowed hard. "How long have you...been here?"

Another broken sob and then, "I'm not sure. Two days. I'm losing track of time."

"Since you left."

"I called for a cab." Dani whimpered. "He showed up."

Rachel's head began to spin, and she turned on her side afraid she'd be sick, but the dirty mattress she was lying on made her stomach roll. She fought for control.

"I don't know what he wants with us. He hasn't hurt me." Rachel felt Dani move beside her. "Maybe he'll let us go."

She heard the hope in her friend's voice and hated to squash it, but Dani needed the truth. "I saw his face. He knows I can identify him."

Dani began to cry. "I didn't. He wore a ski mask."

"I met him at Caleb's house. He had business with Caleb. I don't know what it was about." Not that it mattered, but Rachel was suddenly, overwhelmingly curious.

"I think he's obsessed with us. He knows everything about us and what happened on the island."

"What did he tell you?"

"A lot. He likes to talk. Mostly about the four of us—me, Annie, Laurel, and you. I think you're his favorite."

Tears stung her eyes. "You think he wants to take Annie and Laurel too?" she asked, already knowing the terrifying answer.

"He's furious because his plan was to take Annie first." Dani moaned as if she was in pain. "He didn't expect me to leave, and he blames me for messing everything up. I'm pretty sure you were supposed to be the grand finale."

The grand finale. Those three words caused dread to reach into the depths of her soul and take a swift bite. "He's insane?"

"It would be less scary if I said yes." She paused the trembling words. "But Rach, I think he's just evil."

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now