22~Leaving the 99

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Caleb lifted himself to the edge of the hot tub and climbed to his feet with the grace of an athlete.

"Hold your horses, cowboy," Josh drawled, doing a fair imitation of Caleb. He raised his arms in mock surrender.

Caleb answered easily, "Ty, get between me and the movie star so I can't punch him."

Rachel noticed Ty's gaze glittering with anger as well, but he took a deep breath, fighting for control. "You've got some explaining to do."

Dani stepped beside Josh, the two of them a united front against the others. "Calm down. It's not that a big deal."

"No one ever calms down after hearing someone say 'Calm down', Dani."

"The movie is all lies!" Rachel didn't hold back. "How is that no big deal, Dani? You were supposed to be our friends."

Annie's gaze swung to Josh, and he took a step back at the raw pain in her eyes. "Is it true?"

"Annie." Josh's voice broke on her name. "It's not what you think."

"Do you sleep with all four of us in the movie?" Her hand jerked a circle that included herself, Rachel, Dani, and Laurel. "You're like a brother to me, Josh. I love you like I do Tommy. How could you?"

Gripping the back of his neck, his eyes closed briefly, his expression pained. "Things are simple here. There it's different, faster." Josh paced, raked his fingers through his hair. "I barely understood what they were saying about the scene changes until the day we filmed."

Dani's arms folded over her middle. "He's telling the truth. We didn't know until it was too late."

"C'mon, Dani," Caleb growled. "You had to take your clothes off to film the scenes. You knew."

"It's easy to cast stones," Dani fired back. "You all took the money!"

"We didn't keep it, but I didn't expect ya'll to know. You were too busy spending yours and partying." Caleb's jaw tightened.

"Do you even care how you've hurt us?"

"Oh, please. Chill with the drama, Rachel. No one is hurt."

Tanner's phone dinged with a message. Glancing at the screen, he frowned. "It's the school. They've withdrawn my scholarship." His hard gaze fell on Dani then Josh. "Still think no one got hurt?"

Some of the fire left Dani, but her chin lifted defensively. "I'm sorry, Tanner. I really am. This movie will make us household names. You'll have other opportunities."

"The critics call us Christians." Ty spoke carefully, his tone matter-of-fact. "People will see the movie and think all Christians are hypocrites."

"You're not attacking Parker." Dani planted her hands on her slender hips. "Guess his new girlfriend's rich family and fancy beach house atone for his guilt. You're hypocrites!"

Josh closed his eyes. "Dani, stop. Parker had nothing to do with this."

"He knew. Missy told me she discussed the changes with him."

Parker said nothing. Jessie slipped her hand into his in an unspoken gesture of support.

The air sizzled with tension. "Parker didn't know until two weeks ago. He wanted me to tell everyone." Josh's dark gaze drifted to Parker. "It's not his fault."

"Caleb, Tanner, and I were drinking the day the Bluejay sailed. Parker was willing to let Caleb die at sea!"

"Enough," Josh snapped, but Dani didn't listen.

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now