5~Forgive those who hurt you

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"Jake, you sent a pregnant mare to the Lucky Seven Ranch?" Caleb's question held no bite, just simple weariness and maybe a little frustration. He was bone tired, and today was going to be another fourteen-hour shift.

"Nah, Boss, that was Lopez. Guy's still green, but he is fixing his mistake this morning. Rosey will be back this afternoon."

With a curt nod, Caleb ignored the older man's emphasis on Boss. He knew Jake resented working for a man half his age, but that wasn't Caleb's fault and Caleb had always tried to deal fairly with everyone.

"You gonna fire him?" Jake shot him a questioning look.


"Mistake like that could cost you at the Lucky Seven. They need working horses and they've invested time in a mare they can't use."

"You got a problem with Lopez?" It was a useless question, since Caleb knew the man's problem was with him.

Jake stiffened, looking offended. "Not at all."

Caleb turned. "I've got work to do." Left unspoken was that Jake had work too and he should mind his business and get back to it.

It wasn't like he wanted to run this ranch at nineteen. He had no choice. His mama's medical bills were piling up and he had to pay them. Lord Jesus, help him.

He'd finished branding when his heart jolted at the little white car pulling beside the house. Rachel. The door opened and a long, tanned leg slipped out followed by another. When she emerged, his breath caught at the sight of her in the cute little baby blue dress with her hair falling in shiny dark waves down her slender back.

A moment later she caught him staring. With a forced smile, she lifted her hand in a brief wave before turning toward the house and walking up the front porch steps.

Caleb stood frozen. Sweat dripping down his sides. He was nowhere near to the point where he could take a break, and he probably stank of cows and horses, but the need to see her couldn't be ignored.

He hadn't spoken to her since she'd gotten the wrong idea about him and that girl at Wrangler's and ran off. He'd tried calling, but she wasn't answering. Caleb had even broke down and sent a long text apologizing, but still Rachel was silent.

She probably hoped he wouldn't be around today, but he was and he had to make things right between them. Stalking toward the house with purposeful strides he caught her just before she knocked.


With a gasp, she spun around and faced him. "Caleb."

Suddenly, he was nervous and had no clue what to say or what to do with his hands. He reached out to touch her, but checked himself before his dirty hand touched her cheek. Not that he should touch her even if he'd been clean. Caleb had no right and that was his own dumb fault.

"About the other night..."

She flinched and held up a hand. "Don't apologize, please. You did nothing wrong."

"I didn't do anything with that girl or any other, Rach. You've got to believe me." He was desperate to make her understand.

"It doesn't matter. We're not together and you don't owe me an explanation."

"That's my fault too, and I am real sorry about it. More than you will ever know."

A tiny frown line appeared between her delicately arched brows, and she closed her eyes, thick lashes dusting her cheeks. "Caleb, let's not do this. We can be friends."

Pain ripped through him. "I don't want to be your friend!"

Her eyes widened and he felt like the biggest bully in the world. He hadn't meant to be raise his voice, but it felt like he was losing her. Fighting for control, he continued, "I care about you more than a friend."

Emotions flashed in here eyes—pain, fear, hope. He could only guess what she was feeling. "You broke up with me."

He took off his cowboy hat and smacked it against his thigh. "You were going away to college. I didn't want to hold you back, and I didn't actually say I wanted to break up."

"You said you didn't want us to be exclusive."

"I was an idiot."

She didn't disagree with him. Her arms folded protectively over her middle. Thick dark lashes swept her cheeks. "So now that you have dated around and nothing else has worked out you want to give us a try again."

"No, that's not how it is at all. I mean, yes, I want another chance with you but I haven't dated around." He swept his arm toward the ranch. "Most waking hours I work, and when I'm not working my time is divided between my mom and church. I'm sure Annie has told you that."

Sympathy fell over her face. "I'm sorry, Caleb. I know this is difficult for you. I pray for you and Mary Jo every day."

"Yeah, it is difficult and I appreciate your prayers. God knows we need them, but that's not what I was talking about. I have no desire to date anyone else."


"Have dinner with me. Tonight. Please." He was dangerously close to begging, but he'd rather have another chance with Rachel than keep his pride intact.

"I can't. I'm sorry." She looked upset. "I-I have a date."

Caleb felt the words like a blow to the chest. Recovering quickly, he tried again. "Tomorrow night then. Or any other night. Whenever and wherever you want Rachel. Just give me another chance."

"Rachel is that you?" his mom's voice called.

The front door opened and Mary Jo appeared, her complexion sallow and her eyes sunken. Still, she brightened when she saw them. "Caleb, you're here too. I made some chicken salad. Why don't you both come in for lunch?"

He saw Rachel tense. Caleb smiled at his mom and gave her quick hug. "I have to get back to work. I'll let you ladies visit and I will see you for dinner, Mom."

His mother beamed. "I'm making your favorite meat loaf."

Caleb started to tell her not to bother, to save her strength but he knew she loved doing things for him. He couldn't hurt her feelings. "Love you mom." His gaze flicked to Rachel and his heart splintered into pieces. "Good seeing you again, Rachel. Have a nice day."

Caleb put his hat on, tipped the brim, and walked away leaving his heart in the hands of the beautiful girl he could not forget.

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now