17~I need you Jesus

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Ty wasn't answering.

Annie tore her eyes from the incriminating collection of photos, which the photographer titled Christian Wild Childs.

In the first picture she was straddling Ty's lap in his car and they were kissing. Her stomach rolled.

There was one of her leaving Ty's house the night she'd accidentally spent the night—'Not So Innocent' it read.

Then there was Ty and Rachel embracing with the caption 'Best friends Share'. Annie knew it was innocent, but it look like they were lovers.

Dozens of other pictures filled the screen—Josh in a drunken rage, Dani leaving an abortion clinic, Missy holding an engagement ring and screaming Parker, Caleb with two girls sitting on his lap, Tanner in handcuffs, Parker holding a girl she didn't recognize, and Laurel with a beer in one hand a cigarette in the other.

Most of the pictures were taken out of context, but not all of them. Whoever had done this had been determined to show them at their worst.

She threw her phone on the bed with an anguished cry and dropped to her knees. Why Lord? Why is this happening? Please help us. We're all struggling. We need you. I need you, Jesus.

Her phone dinged. It was a group text from Parker with an address and a time—noon tomorrow.

Grabbing her backpack she shoved a few necessary items inside—underwear, leggings, t-shirts. She hurried into the bathroom to get a few things and dumped them in the bag.

"If you're sneaking out, you should go the back. Reporters are camped out front."

Annie glanced up and saw Tommy standing in her doorway. "You're joking." She stepped to the window, pulled the curtains, and her jaw dropped. Unbelievable. "Thanks, little bro. I don't know what I'm going to do."

His gaze dropped to her bag. "Can you still climb the fence?"

"Haven't tried in a long time."

"I'll go with you. Make sure you get to Ty's or wherever you're going safely."

Despite everything, she smiled. "Hey, I'm the big sister."

"Yeah, well, I'm almost eighteen and you need me." He motioned for her to follow, stopping by his room to get his own bag.

"Are mom and dad home yet?"

"Both called and said they'd be late."

She inhaled a shaky breath. "You think they know?"

"No, and we need to move before they find out. Dad will flip. He's already weird about Ty. Your internet fame might send him over the edge."

"Do you know why dad doesn't like him?"

Her brother threw her a look over his shoulder that clearly said how naive he thought she was. "Yep."

Once downstairs she touched his arm. "You going to tell me?"

Tommy opened the fridge and grabbed two sodas, handing her one. He leveled a look at her that made him seem much older than he was. "Mom and Dad think you're sleeping together."

Annie's stomach tightened. "Tommy, those pictures aren't—"

"I get it, Annie. You don't have to explain. I know you. So does Dad. He'll come around. Probably not anytime soon but eventually." He took a long drink. "'Sides this is my fault. The parents are still overprotective because of my stupidity. It's been three years. They may never forget."

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