2~Love your enemies

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Rachel masked her pain with a brilliant smile, at least she hoped it was brilliant. Truthfully, she probably looked like a clown who'd chugged too much caffeine. It might be funny if her cheeks weren't aching from the fake grin, but if the smile fell Rachel was afraid she'd look like a jealous ex-girlfriend.

Women loved Caleb. Her Caleb. Only he didn't belong to her. Not anymore.

A stunning brunette with a low-cut top and short skirt was getting real friendly with him. Her hair was shampoo-commercial worthy, and Rachel would bet her fancy boots had never seen a spec of dust much less horse poop.

The wannabe cowgirl flashed a flirty smile at Caleb, and put her hand on his chest. Rachel wanted to cry.

Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. Taking three deep breaths, she counted to ten and prayed God would heal her jealous heart. As much as she failed Him, would God even listen to her?

Since the island she had gotten up every morning, read her Bible, and prayed but during the day life's distractions led her astray. Every single day she failed God.

"He's still yours."

The quiet words filled the ache in her soul.


Annie's eyes widened, and she studied Rachel. "I meant Caleb, but yes, God is definitely yours and you are His."

Twirling her straw in the icy drink, she nodded her agreement. Rachel did not doubt the part about God, but Caleb was a different story. "He bought her a drink."

"She begged him for it and Caleb is too much a gentlemen to say no to a lady."

A sound escaped her at the word 'lady' and Rachel was immediately ashamed. "You think he still cares about me?"


Rachel's gaze slid to Caleb and the girl fawning all over him. "What makes you think so—the hot girl hanging on him or the fact that he dumped me?"

"He can't take his eyes off you when he thinks you're not looking." Annie tossed her gaze to Caleb. "Girls throw themselves at him all the time. Caleb is polite but uninterested. He hasn't been with anyone since you left."

"Maybe he hasn't dated anyone, but he might...well, he could be..." Rachel couldn't say it, but fortunately Annie knew what she was thinking.

Annie shook her head. "Caleb isn't sleeping with anyone. He and Ty talk."

"I didn't think guys talked about that stuff." Rachel needed to change the subject. "I'm sorry I didn't make it for the ceremony. I hope Ty knows how proud I am of him."

"He knows. You were taking your own college exams, and you had a three-hour drive home." Annie's smile was genuine. "How's school going?"

Rachel started to tell her it was good, but this was Annie. "The classes are ok. I miss being at home. It's lonely. Mom wanted me to go to a university, but it's expensive, and I can get a nursing license at the community college."

"What do you want?"

"I want to stay in Harper Falls." Her earnest gaze lifted to Annie's. "It's not just because of Caleb. I don't fit in there, but I don't want to let my mom down. She's saved since I was born to send me to school."

"When I don't know what to do—" Annie stopped and smiled before admitting, "which is most of the time. I ask God to lead me."

Rachel did that too. "What if He doesn't answer?"

"He always does. Sometimes it takes a lot of prayer to hear His voice. I'm not as patient as I should be, and it takes time to hear Him."

"That's probably why I haven't gotten an answer." Rachel pushed a rope of hair behind her ear. "Is Ty still planning to work with you at the church?"

Leaving the 99 (Heart Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now